Dairy Advisory Committee Established

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Cattle, Dairy, Florida, Georgia, Livestock

Efforts to move forward on establishing the Dairy Industry Advisory Committee have been announced, as Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the Obama Administration is committed to working with all sectors of the dairy industry to develop changes to the pricing system. More information on the committee is available at: ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/DairyAdvisoryCommittee

FFB Participating in Climate Change Rally

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Energy, Field Crops, Florida, Livestock, Nursery Crops, Peanuts, Specialty Crops

As the Senate prepares to tackle the climate change issue, Adam Basford, national affairs director with the Florida Farm Bureau Federation, says they will participate in an upcoming rally in an effort to get more attention on the impact climate change will have on American agriculture. For more information visit the Florida Farm Bureau website.

FL Swine Flu Name Costly to Pork Industry

Randall Weiseman Florida, General, Livestock, Pork

Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H. Bronson is asking public health officials, academics and the media to refrain from calling the current H1N1 influenza pandemic “swine flu” as the characterization is both inaccurate and contributing to the collapse of the pork industry throughout North America.