U.S. Exports to Mexico Stumble

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release

As the Unites States plans to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico, U.S. agricultural exports to Mexico have declined over the first few months of 2017. The Wall Street Journal reports that Mexican imports of U.S. soybean meal dropped 15 percent, the first decline in four years. Meanwhile, chicken exports to Mexico were down 11 …

APHIS to Allow Importation of Fresh Pitahaya Fruit from Ecuador

Dan Exports/Imports, Fruits, Industry News Release

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is amending the fruits and vegetable regulations to allow the importation of fresh pitahaya fruit into the continental United States from Ecuador.  APHIS scientists have determined that fresh pitahaya fruit from Ecuador can be safely imported to the United States while continuing to provide protection against the …

If It Smells Like a Petunias or Shampoo, It Might Be a Pesticide

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

USDA Agricultural Research Service A scent that petunias and snapdragons release to attract pollinators may be an environmentally friendly control for pests like the spotted wing drosophila fly (SWD) and the brown marmorated stink bug. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) chemist Aijun Zhang discovered the fragrant chemical methyl benzoate, which is also a popular ingredient approved by the U.S. Food and …

USDA Announces $20 Million for Jobs for Young People, Veterans

Dan Forestry, Industry News Release

USDA and partners committed $20 million in 21st Century Conservation Service Corps partnership agreements to provide 4,000 work opportunities for youth, young adults and veterans up to 35 years old, a move that will help the U.S. Forest Service accomplish mission-critical infrastructure and landscape restoration projects on the ground. The U.S. Forest Service is one of seventeen USDA Agencies. The …

Feed a Bee Announces Coast-to-Coast Recipients for $500,000 Pollinator Forage Initiative

Dan Fruits, Industry News Release, News from Our Sponsors, Vegetables

Bayer Feed a Bee program celebrates National Pollinator Week by kicking off initiative to support forage projects in all 50 states In the spirit of true National Pollinator Week celebration, Bayer today announced the first round of organizations that will receive funding to establish forage for pollinators across the nation. Nearly 100 projects were submitted in response to the request …

Chicken Company Turning to Body Cameras

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

Elite Farm Services of British Columbia, Canada, is turning to body cameras to make sure its workers are following the required best management practices regarding animal handling. Elite came under fire this week after a Mercy for Animals undercover video showed workers hitting, throwing, and kicking chickens. Six workers have been fired and investigation into the matter is continuing. A …

U.S. and China Reach Agreement to Boost Dairy Trade

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S. Dairy Export Council says the agreement reached this week between the U.S. and China will make it possible to significantly expand American dairy exports. An Agri-Pulse report says 80 U.S. processors are now officially cleared to immediately begin exporting to China, thanks to the Memorandum of Understanding between the countries. The agreement will also make it possible for …

Trump’s Cuba Policy a Lost Opportunity for Agriculture

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump’s Friday announcement on reinstating limits on travel to and business with Cuba may result in lost economic opportunities for corporations, small businesses, and farmers. The new policy will keep U.S. companies from doing direct financial transactions with companies controlled by the Cuban military. Politico’s Morning Agriculture Report says the opportunity for American agriculture to export more products …

Pork Industry Expanding in Response to Strong Demand

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

A new report out from CoBank says rising global demand for pork and stronger profitability will create a strong incentive for American pork processors to expand their capacity. Increased competition among processors may lead to a tightening of packer margins and give producers much more favorable prices in the months ahead. CoBank economist Trevor Amen says, “U.S. pork processing capacity …

Dow / DuPont Merger Gets Conditional Approval

Dan Industry News Release

DuPont and Dow Chemical announced on Thursday that their proposed merger has been approved by the U.S. Department of Justice. Dow Chair and CEO Andrew Liveris says he’s very pleased the DOJ approved the transaction. “With today’s DOJ clearance, we’ve taken a significant step forward in bringing together these two iconic enterprises,” he says. Ed Breen, Chair and CEO of …