Crop Insurance Industry Responds to GOA Report

Dan Industry News Release

The crop insurance industry is calling a report by the Government Accountability Office “disheartening.” The GAO last week recommended to Congress that it considers directing the Department of Agriculture to adjust the expected rate of return for crop insurance. In 2010, USDA negotiated with insurance companies to set a 14.5 percent target rate. According to GAO’s analysis, the reasonable rate …

AFBF Submits Comments on Bioengineered Disclosure Standard

Dan Genetically Modified, Industry News Release

The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, otherwise known as a national GMO labeling rule, is intended to require the disclosure of bioengineered food ingredients. The standard was signed into law last year and gave USDA two years to come up with a rule by July 2018. AFBF congressional relations director Andrew Walmsley says the USDA rule must not confuse consumers …

Altering Dairy Food Labeling Rules Would Cause Further Confusion

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should reject a petition filed by the Good Food Institute (GFI) that would undermine federal standards of identity for food and sanction existing misleading marketing tactics of imitation dairy products, the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) said in comments filed. In the latest salvo over the proper use of long-standing dairy food terms, the …

RFA asks EPA to Expand Hurricane Harvey Fuel Waiver

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

In a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) asked the agency to “take immediate action to expand the scope and geographic coverage” of the fuel waiver issued by the agency Aug. 26 in response to Hurricane Harvey. “While EPA’s August 26 waiver of certain reformulated gasoline (RFG) and Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) requirements was a welcome step, …

UGA Cotton/Peanut Research Field Day set for Sept. 6

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release, Peanuts

The Georgia Cotton Commission, Georgia Peanut Commission and the University of Georgia Extension Cotton and Peanut Teams, will co-sponsor a joint research field day on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017, in Tifton, Georgia. The field day will start at 8:00 a.m. at UGA’s Lang Farm (230 Rigdon Aultman Road) before relocating to the Tifton Campus Conference Center (15 RDC Road) for …

China, India, Call for End of Farm Subsidies by U.S., Others

Dan Industry News Release

China and India are calling for an end to farm subsidies by others, including the European Union and the United States. India-based newspaper Live Mint, a collaboration with the Wall Street Journal, reports China and India have jointly proposed the elimination of $160 billion of farm subsidies in the U.S., European Union, and other wealthy nations. The move comes months …

WOTUS Public Meetings Scheduled

Dan Industry News Release, Water

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers Monday announced a series of teleconferences regarding the repeal and revision of the Waters of the U.S. rule. Nine of the conferences will focus on a specific sector, including agriculture, conservation, small entities, construction, and others. The teleconferences will run throughout the fall on Tuesdays beginning September 19, 2017. The …

Harvey Forces Shutdown of Texas Ports, Threatens Others

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Two major ports along the Gulf of Mexico in Texas are closed following the flooding and damage from Hurricane Harvey. Ports at the Texas Gulf account for about 24 percent of U.S. wheat exports, three percent of corn shipments and two percent of soybeans. In 2011, the Port of Corpus Christi ranked 13th in the Nation for total waterborne agricultural …

Harvey Impact on Texas Agriculture

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release

Hurricane Harvey arrived on the Texas coast as the state’s cotton harvest of an expected bumper crop was getting underway. The Texas cotton harvest is around 10 percent complete, with bales in the field and high storage levels. The storm came at what one cotton gin operator called “the worst possible time.” Southeast Texas agriculture has extensive damage from the …