NAFTA Nations Reports Progress Despite Tensions

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Negotiators in the North American Free Trade Agreement talks say they’re making progress after the third round of talks concluded Wednesday. A Bloomberg report says that talk of progress comes as tensions grow between the U.S. and Canada over aircraft. The U.S. imposed trade duties on Canadian-made aircraft, inflaming tensions with Canada. The nations did make some progress in the …

Organic Trade Association Responds To Jump in Organic Sales Data

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

A recent report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture found a 23 percent jump in organic sales from 2015 to 2016. Laura Batcha, CEO of the Organic Trade Association, says that’s very good news for the industry. She says the market has been growing faster in recent years at the consumer level than the base number of organic acres and …

“i5k” is for Insects

Dan Industry News Release, Research

Nearly 75 percent of all animal species are insects and other arthropods. Many profoundly impact people and the Earth’s ecology. Some insects pollinate a third of our food crops. Others destroy one-fifth of the world’s total crop production annually. Given the importance of arthropods, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) helped organize the “i5k Initiative.” The goal is to sequence and …

NMPF Urges Government-Take Action Against Misleading Labeling of “Blue Magic” Milk

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) urged federal and state food regulators to take enforcement action against imitation dairy product “Blue Magic Cashew Milk” for continuing to ignore federal standards of identity for dairy products. In a letter sent today to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the California Department of Food and Agriculture, NMPF said that use of …

Battle Lines Drawn on Tax Reform

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The battle lines are drawn on President Trump’s tax reform proposals. The top Senate Democrat has just ‘tarred and feathered’ key provisions that would benefit farmers and other small businesses. Democrats stopped the GOP effort to repeal Obamacare, now they’re taking aim at the Republican push for tax reform, including estate tax repeal and changes to ‘pass-through’ tax rates that …

Coffee Supplies May Drop on Low Farm Earnings

Dan Industry News Release

International coffee growers are warning fewer coffee supplies may be in the future as coffee farmers are earning very little globally. The International Coffee Organization this week said farmers’ low earnings in many countries were depressing supply even as demand grows by two percent annually, according to Reuters. Rabobank last month forecast a 2017-18 global coffee deficit of 6.1 million …

BPI Using Settlement Funds to Help Employees

Dan Beef, Industry News Release

Owners of Beef Products Inc. have established a $10 million fund to benefit former BPI employees impacted by plant closures. The fund will help employees who were laid off when sales dropped stemming from a series of reports about the company’s Lean Finely Textured Beef product broadcast by ABC News. BPI laid off roughly 750 employees and closed facilities in …

Ireland Tops U.S. in Food Security

Dan Industry News Release

For the first time, the United States has dropped from the top spot in a global ranking of how well countries can feed their own people. A new ranking shows Ireland now as the world’s most food secure nation, with the U.S. the second most food-secure nation. Bloomberg reports the drop in food security for the U.S. can be attributed …

Syngenta Reaches Settlement in Viptera Case

Dan Corn, Industry News Release

Syngenta has reached a settlement with farmers involved in lawsuits over the launch of Syngenta’s Agrisure Viptera and Agrisure Duracade corn traits. The lawsuits alleged Syngenta’s release of traits unapproved in China led the nation to reject U.S. corn shipments and pushed corn prices lower. The settlement is estimated to be close to $1.5 billion, according to Reuters. The settlement …

South Korea Trade Representative Meets with U.S. Lawmakers

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

South Korea’s Trade Minister is meeting with lawmakers in Washington, D.C. this week, ahead of a meeting with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer next month. Lighthizer will meet with Korea next month to discuss a “path forward” for KORUS, The U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. Korea’s Trade Minister has met with agriculture sector lawmakers, including Nebraska Republican Deb Fischer, to discuss …