Mend, Don’t End NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Officials from Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. will begin a technical round of meetings on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on Monday. Top negotiating officials aren’t scheduled to be in Washington next week. They’ll appear at the next formal round of talks, which will be next January in Montreal. National Milk Producers Federation President and CEO Jim Mulhern …

Antibiotic Use in Livestock Drops

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Livestock

The Food and Drug Administration began keeping records on antibiotic use in livestock animals in 2009. For the first time since then, the agency says antibiotic usage dropped. Sales of medically important antimicrobials for livestock and poultry fell by ten percent in 2016. The decline actually took place ahead of new antibiotic usage requirements that became law in January. As …

Canadian Ambassador Optimistic on NAFTA Negotiations

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada’s ambassador to the U.S. says the target date of March as a finishing point to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations is very possible. He tells Bloomberg it’s possible if the three sides can overcome some sticking points, including U.S. demands for tougher auto quotas. David McNaughton tells Bloomberg he’s hopeful the deal with be done by …

Can Corn and Oil Live Together?

Dan Corn, Industry News Release

Oil-state Republican legislators met with President Trump on Thursday to discuss the Renewable Fuels Standard. They left with a directive from the president to figure out a compromise that would work out for both the oil and renewable fuels industries. Politico says Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe was one of the lawmakers who met with Trump. “The president wants us to …

Corn Industry Meet with Mexico Regarding Trade

Dan Corn, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Corn industry leaders visited Mexico last week to reinsure the importance of trade. The National Corn Growers and the U.S. Grains Council hosted the joint mission, which also included a group of leaders visiting South Korea. NCGA President Kevin Skunes was part of the group that traveled to Mexico. Trip The group met with agriculture officials, grain association representatives and …

Farmers Discuss Trade with South Korea

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade, Wheat

U.S. farmers travelled to South Korea recently to ensure the importance and willingness to continue trade between the two nations. South Korea is a top destination for U.S. corn. The U.S. and South Korea are considering a renegotiation of KORUS, The U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. U.S. Grains Council Chair Deb Keller says that as those talks continue, South Korea also …

Latest Pork Export Figures Released

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

The latest export numbers are out. October U.S. pork exports are up over one year ago. U.S. Meat Export Federation Vice President of Communications Joe Schuele says sales rebounded in the sales to Mexico. Mexico Mexico is a significant market for U.S. ham. Ham U.S. pork currently has duty-free access to the Mexican market. The Pork Checkoff partners with the …

Negron Backs Aid for Agriculture Industry

Dan Citrus, Field Crops, Florida, Industry News Release, Livestock, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Vegetables

Florida lawmakers should provide financial help to the agriculture industry to aid its recovery from Hurricane Irma, the Senate president said Friday. Without putting a price tag on the state’s contribution, Senate President Joe Negron appeared to favor tax cuts and mitigation measures rather than loans. He pointed to major damage sustained by citrus growers but also said assistance should …

Duvall Appointed to White House Trade Advisory Committee

Dan Industry News Release

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall has been appointed to the White House’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. Members of the ACTPN advise the president on the potential effects of proposed and current trade agreements. The ACTPN, which is administered by the U.S. Trade Representative, is the main trade advisory committee that provides policy information and advice …

APHIS Wildlife Services to Begin Field Trials on Feral Swine Toxic Bait

Dan Industry News Release, Research

In November, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) accomplished two key tasks as part of its efforts to evaluate an oral toxic bait for use with invasive feral swine.  First, on November 6, 2017, APHIS Wildlife Services (WS) received an Experimental Use Permit (EUP) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to conduct sodium nitrite toxic bait field trials …