Syngenta Says European Decision Takes Ag In The Wrong Direction

Dan Industry News Release

The decision by European Union member states to back the European Commission’s proposal on further restricting the use of neonicotinoids disappointed Syngenta, but it wasn’t unexpected. The company says that wasn’t the right decision for the future of agriculture or the environment in Europe. Syngenta says agriculture needs all the options it has to help farmers ensure that consumers have …

American Veterinary Association Pleased With House Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

The American Veterinary Medical Association is pleased with the animal health priorities in the House version of the 2018 Farm Bill. Among the highlights, the AVMA is pleased with the new authorizations and funding for a National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program, The National Animal Health Laboratory Network, and a livestock vaccine bank with immediate attention to foot-and-mouth disease. …

EPA Chief Faces Tough Questions

Dan Industry News Release

A Politico report says Environmental Protection Agency Chief Scott Pruitt had a simple task during recent Congressional hearings, which was to keep his conservative backers happy. In turn, that may keep the president happy. Democrats and environmentalists panned Pruitt’s job performance as the EPA head is facing a number of ethical and spending questions. Most Republicans seemed pleased enough with …

EPA Waivers Lower Ethanol Production Six Percent

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted Renewable Fuels Standard waivers to dozens of refineries over the last couple of years. The Renewable Fuels Association analyzed the EPA’s own compliance data and found that the exemptions lowered volumetric obligations by at least 1.6 million gallons over that time period. The volume lost over the last two years is ten times …

GDA Food Safety Division Statement on Romaine Lettuce

Dan Field Crops, Georgia, Industry News Release

“The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) Food Safety Division is actively working with state and federal partners on this ongoing investigation, including the Georgia Department of Public Health and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The GDA agrees with the recommendation issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the FDA, which encourages consumers to follow …

Senator David Perdue Holds Farm Bill Round Table Discussion

Dan Farm Bill, Georgia, Industry News Release, Legislative

U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) holds a round table discussion about the 2018 Farm Bill at the University of Georgia’s College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences in Tifton, Georgia. The discussion was moderated by Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black and attended by Georgia farmers and industry leaders. “Agriculture is Georgia’s largest economic driver and the lifeblood of our country. Growing …

Livestock, Milk Production and Income-Southern Region

Dan Cattle, Dairy, Industry News Release, Pork, USDA-NASS

Cash Receipts for Meat Animals Up/Milk Production Increased Total 2017 production of meat animals (cattle and calves and hogs and pigs) for the United States totaled 81.7 billion pounds, up 4 percent from 2016. Production increased 4 percent for cattle and calves and 3 percent for hogs and pigs. Total 2017 cash receipts from marketings of meat animals increased 7 percent to …

Farmers’ Share of the Food Dollar at a Record Low

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The Economic Research Service’s Food Dollar Series shows that the farmers’ share of the food dollar fell to 14.8 cents in 2016. That’s a 4.5 percent drop from the previous year and the lowest level since the series first launched in 1993. The farmers’ share of every $1 spent on domestically produced food represents the percentage of farm commodity sales …

Ag Groups Applaud Precision Ag Connectivity Act

Dan Industry News Release, Technology

The American Soybean Association is among agriculture groups applauding the Senate Commerce Committee for pushing the Precision Agriculture Connectivity Act of 2018 forward in the legislative process. ASA President John Heisdorffer says his group welcomes the Precision Agriculture Connectivity Act of 2018. “This legislation understands the unique needs of growers across rural America,” Heisdorffer says. “We urge swift passage in …

Former Senators Ask Congress to Investigate EPA/RFS Waivers

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Former Senators Byron Dorgan of North Dakota and James Talent of Missouri both played major roles in the legislation that established the current Renewable Fuels Standard. This week, the two say Congress should investigate the waivers to the RFS granted to more than two-dozen refineries by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. In a statement released by the National Biodiesel …