Orange Juice Dumping Decision OVERTURNED??

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, International

There is some debate about what the recent decision by the U S International Trade Court in New York actually means. Hear more in this report and stay tuned for more in coming days as we ask industry leaders what is going on from their first-hand perspectives. Report (1:00 wma) Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundJuly 15, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester …

Citrus EXPO 2007 Planning On A Roll!

Gary Cooper Citrus, Citrus Expo News, Florida, International

Planning and resevations for the world’s largest citrus grower seminar and trade show are way ahead of last year. A year ago exhibitor brochures had just gone in the mail, but now at the end of March 2007 well over half the exhibit spaces are already booked for the August 22&23, 2007 Citrus Expo! Grower seminars will feature top canker …

Egyptian Citrus Growers Visit Florida

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, International

Former Florida Dept of Citrus Scientific Research Director Dr Mohamed Ismail (pictured on left) recently set up a Florida ag tour for some of his citrus growing friends from Egypt. What we learned in discussions with some of the group during their visit may surprise Florida growers who don’t keep up with the world’s other citrus production regions. Hear comments …

California Citrus Freeze News Just In

Gary Cooper Citrus, General, International

This audio report contains four separate audio news reports back to back to back. This news just now coming in late this afternoon from USDA’s radio division about the big chill in California citrus country. The first three reports are full news-wraps, the fourth audio cut is simply a statement from California Citrus Mutual spokesman Joel Nelson about what the …

New Website Presents Canker & Greening ‘Grower Trials’

Gary Cooper Citrus, International

Florida citrus growers and production managers have been seeking a way to directly share field trial experiences with other growers in hopes of learning more first hand knowledge more quickly from each other in canker and greening control efforts. In this report, Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association Executive Director Barbara Carlton (pictured at right) and Florida Citrus Production Managers …

Touring FL Citrus Country

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, General, International

If you search this website’s posts back a few weeks, or simply click on the ‘international’ tab under citrus in the categories to the right, you’ll find some reports I filed from a Grapefruit Industry tour in Honduras mid-September. My Honduran host, Mr. Rene Laffite, is in Florida this week and we are taking the opportunity to return some hospitality. …

Hear Citrus Crop Forecast “LIVE”

Dan Citrus, Crop Forecasts, International

There is a banner on the front left side of this web site to hear the “LIVE” broadcast of the citrus crop forecast Thursday morning October 12th at 8:29 a.m.: Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundJuly 15, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Agricultural Travelogue – Honduras Grapefruit

Gary Cooper Citrus, General, International

I was in Honduras in September for a grapefruit production tour. The industry’s leading Citrus Industry Magazine, will have a feature on what I learned about their grapefruit industry there that sends high quality red varieties to Europe the couple months before Florida fruit starts coming into season. Here’s an excerpt. CENTRAL AMERICAN CITRUS TRAVELOGUE: HONDURAS Honduras is nestled under …

Citrus Crop Forecast Form Available

Dan Citrus, International

Southeast AgNet provides this form each year for growers and others, to conveniently note the crop forecast numbers as they are released, and compare to the final utilization numbers of previous years.  There are several grower breakfasts planned for the October 12 crop forecast release too.  Click on the link for maps and information form the September issue of Citrus Industry Magazine. pdf …

Honduran Grapefruit Production Practices Mirror FL, but w/o FL Disease Issues

Dan Citrus, International

Honduran grapefruit grower/packer/shipper Rene Laffite describes similarities in production practices between Florida and Honduran grapefruit.  He also says there are distinct differences now that FL has canker and Honduras does not.  Report (2:00 wma) To learn more, contact Rene at this address: Rene Laffite Honduran Grapefruit Grower/Packer/Shipper Frutas de Honduras S. A. P. O. Box 83 La Ceiba, Honduras Centro America …