FL Revenue Estimators To Set Budget Goals This Week

Gary Cooper Beef, Citrus, Florida, General, Livestock, Nursery Crops, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Vegetables

In these three reports, Florida Farm Bureau Legislative Director Ben Parks in Tallahassee gives us some insight on this first week of the Legislative Session, discussing this Friday’s state revenue estimating conference and what it means for the tough budget session expected ahead. Parks also gives us some details on a couple Farm Bureau priorities this Session.

GA Beef Industry Scholarship Challenge

Randall Weiseman Beef, Cattle, Georgia

High School Juniors and Seniors are being reminded you have until March 15th to sign up for the 5th Annual Beef Industry Scholarship Challenge, as the Georgia Junior Cattlemen’s Association is again sponsoring the contest on Saturday, May 9th at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton.

GA Reminder about Beef Ambassador Applications

Randall Weiseman Beef, Cattle, Georgia

Here’s a quick note from the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association & Georgia Beef Board: Reminder to Parents and Youth ages 13-20 Don’t forget to send your 2009 Beef Ambassador applications to the GCA office by March 1. Applications can be faxed to 478-474-5732. We look forward to seeing you at this competition held during the GCA Convention and Expo in Perry …

FL Challenged by Lack of Beef Dollars

Randall Weiseman Beef, Cattle, Florida

Florida is just one of the many states struggling to continue beef promotion programs due to dwindling checkoff dollars, and it’s at a time that Florida Beef Council’s Jim Handley says the dollars are really needed.

GA Cattlewomen Promote Cookbook

Randall Weiseman Beef, Cattle, Georgia

In another way to promote beef, Georgia Cattlewomen Association’s Nanette Bryan says they developed a cookbook which provides a variety of information. Peanut Exports:

A Single Federal Food Safety Agency

Randall Weiseman Beef, General, Peanuts

With the recent Salmonella scare ongoing, there is the familiar call for a single Federal Food Safety Agency instead of the Agriculture Department handling meat and poultry and the FDA overseeing the remainder. However, up till now every Secretary of Agriculture for the past 30 years has rejected that notion. That is until Secretary Vilsack had these comments.