NASDA Conducts Vietnam Trade Mission

Dan Agri-Business, Exports/Imports, This Land of Ours, Trade

Exploring trade opportunities with Vietnam. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) members and leadership traveled to Vietnam last week. The delegation embarked on the organization’s first trade mission to explore global emerging markets through the Department of Agriculture Emerging Markets Program. NASDA President and Wyoming Department of Agriculture Director Doug …

Combine Harvesters Finish Positive for 2022, While Tractor Sales Fall

Dan Agri-Business, Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), Economy

Combine harvester sales finished 2022 with healthy gains in unit sales, but ag tractors ended with sales below 2021 levels. According to new data from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), total U.S. ag tractor unit sales fell for both the month of December as well as the year as a whole compared to 2021. The sub-40hp segment lead the losses in …

DeSantis Outlines Second-Term Environmental Plans

Dan Agri-Business, Conservation, Environment, Florida, Funding, Irrigation, Legislative, Water, Wetland

(NSF/TALLAHASSEE, FL/Jan. 10, 2023) — Gov. Ron DeSantis announced plans Tuesday to spend $3.5 billion in his second term on environmental projects such as restoring the Everglades and addressing water-quality problems. “This may be a bigger, more comprehensive executive order than we did four years ago. But I think that’s the right thing to do,” DeSantis, who was re-elected in …

Zippy Duvall Opens 2023 American Farm Bureau Federation Convention General Session

Dan Agri-Business, American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF)

(AFBF/Puerto Rico/Jan. 8, 2023) — American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Zippy Duvall Opened 2023 AFBF Convention General Session this morning with an inspiring speech highlighting some of the great work the Farm Bureau family is doing throughout the country. Thank you! Good morning! Welcome to San Juan! I hope you’re having a good time enjoying the beauty that God …

State Farm Bureaus Honored for Excellence in Programs and Membership Achievement

Dan Agri-Business, American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF)

The American Farm Bureau Federation presented awards to state Farm Bureaus at the organization’s 104th Convention, which runs through Jan. 11. The awards recognize excellence in implementation of outstanding member programs and membership achievement in 2022. Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Montana and North Carolina earned the Pinnacle Award, the highest honor a state Farm Bureau can be awarded for program and membership …

United States and Taiwan to Hold Trade Negotiations

Dan Agri-Business, Exports/Imports, Trade

The United States and Taiwan will hold an in-person negotiating round for the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade in Taipei. The negotiations are under the American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States. The next round of talks is scheduled for January 14-17. The U.S. Trade Representative’s Office will lead the U.S. …

2023 American Farm Bureau Convention Kicks Off Today

Dan Agri-Business, American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF)

(AFBF/SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, January 6, 2023) — The 2023 American Farm Bureau Convention is officially underway. The convention is being held Jan. 6-11 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with a virtual option for portions of the event available. Anchoring this year’s event is an outstanding lineup of keynote speakers. AFBF President Zippy Duvall will give his annual address to Farm Bureau members …

World’s First Agriculture-Focused Satellite Launches

Dan Agri-Business, Technology, This Land of Ours

The first of seven satellites for agriculture launched into space Tuesday by SpaceX. Built by Dragonfly Aerospace, the satellite is part of the Transporter-6 mission for customer EOS Data Analytics. The remaining six satellites of the constellation will be deployed over the next three years. The EOS Data Analytics project is the world’s first agriculture-focused satellite constellation providing the industry …

Baby Formula Imports Face Tariffs Again in 2023

Dan Agri-Business, Exports/Imports, Tariff, This Land of Ours

Baby formula importers face changes again this year. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Baby formula imports into the U.S. will be subject to tariffs again this year as the exemptions implemented during a nationwide shortage are scheduled to expire. Reuters says the shortage began during supply chain issues brought on by COVID, and those issues began to …