Substantial Consolidation in Retail Food Market Since 1990

Dan Agri-Business, This Land of Ours, USDA-ERS

There’s been substantial consolidation in the retail food market in the last thirty years. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The U.S. food retail sector experienced substantial consolidation over the last three decades, according to data from USDA’s Economic Research Service. Market concentration, as measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, is a measure of the extent to which market …

Senate Ag Plans Hearings on Farm Bill Trade and Horticulture Titles

Dan Agri-Business, Exports/Imports, Farm Bill, Legislative, Nursery Crops, Specialty Crops

The leadership of the Senate Agriculture Committee Wednesday announced a set of farm bill hearings. Senators Debbie Stabenow and John Boozman will hold the first hearing on February 1, titled. “Farm Bill 2023: Trade and Horticulture.” The hearings will focus on the trade and horticulture titles of the farm bill. The first hearing will include testimony from USDA’s Alexis Taylor, …

Corn Growers Praise Biden Officials for Stance on Biotech Corn

Dan Agri-Business, Biotechnology, Corn, Exports/Imports, Field Crops, National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), This Land of Ours, Trade

Some national praise from the National Corn Growers Association. That’s Coming up on This Land of Ours. The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) praised the Biden administration for issuing an official rejection of a recent proposed compromise from Mexico on biotech corn imports into the country. The development came during a meeting between Mexican officials and U.S. Department of Agriculture’s …

NCBA Suing Biden Administration Over Endangered Species Listing

Dan Agri-Business, Cattle, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA)

The Biden Administration is facing a lawsuit from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) over the listing of the Lesser Prairie Chicken under the Endangered Species Act. NCBA has filed a Notice of Intent to sue the Department of the Interior and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It’s the first step in court toward overturning the listing revoking FWS’s final …

NASDA Sets 2023 Policy Priorities

Dan Agri-Business

The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) announced the organization’s primary policy focus for 2023. NASDA members, the state commissioners, secretaries and directors of agriculture, hand-selected seven issues to focus on. The issues include the 2023 Farm Bill, which NASDA says must remain unified, securing a commitment to American agriculture and the critical food and nutritional assistance programs …

Rural Job Growth Shifting to High-Skill Workers

Dan Agri-Business, Labor and Immigration, This Land of Ours, USDA-ERS

There’s a shift in rural jobs. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Over the last two decades, the strongest rural job gains were in smaller industries that tend to employ high-skill workers. USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) reports the highest growth was in the real estate industry. According to experts like CALC job placement services, also showing rapid …

Ian Estimated Agriculture Damages Tops $1B

Dan Agri-Business, Citrus, Economy, Field Crops, Florida, Fruits, Nursery Crops, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

(NSF/TALLAHASSEE, FL/Jan. 18, 2023) — A soon-to-be-released report will estimate Florida’s agriculture industry sustained about $1.07 billion in damages from Hurricane Ian, with growers of citrus, vegetable and horticultural crops taking the biggest hits from the wind, rains and flooding. But citrus growers think the estimate doesn’t show the full damage from the storm. The pending report from the University …

Republican House Agriculture Committee Members Announced

Dan Agri-Business, Legislative

We now know the Republican members of the House Agriculture Committee. Chair GT Thompson made the announcement this week. Fifteen Republicans are returning from last year, and there are 12 who are new to the committee this year. Notables from the Southeast who are returning are Austin Scott of Georgia, Kat Cammock of Florida, and Barry Moore of Alabama. There …

NASDA Conducts Vietnam Trade Mission

Dan Agri-Business, Exports/Imports, This Land of Ours, Trade

Exploring trade opportunities with Vietnam. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) members and leadership traveled to Vietnam last week. The delegation embarked on the organization’s first trade mission to explore global emerging markets through the Department of Agriculture Emerging Markets Program. NASDA President and Wyoming Department of Agriculture Director Doug …