CITRUS EXPO: Most Comprehensive Seminars for All Growers!

Gary Cooper Citrus, Citrus Expo News, Florida, General

August 20 & 21 Lee Civic Center Ft Myers is the date this year for the World’s Premier Citrus Expo, still free for citrus growers and unquestionably the best attended citrus grower seminar and trade show event anywhere. Citrus Expo planning is entering its home stretch and only a few exhibit spaces remain available. Exhibitors should visit the website and …

FDOC Budget Has Flexibility To Deal With Challenges of Times

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida

In the first of these two weekly features on Florida Department of Citrus News, Chairman Ben Albritton Jr discusses budget matters and how up to $20-million dollars being set aside for possible investments into research could impact orange juice advertising next season. In the second report, Albritton discusses the possibility that Florida Citrus Mutual may be able to handle FDOC …

Greening Research From A Growers Perspective

Gary Cooper Citrus, Citrus Expo News, Florida

V P of Production for Orange-Co In Arcadia, Jerry Newlin is also very involved at the industry level in efforts to guide greening research. Jerry is a leader of the Florida Citrus Production Managers’ Association and more recently, chairman of the Citrus Research Greening Task Force and a member of the Citrus Expo Steering Committee. In these reports, Newlin discusses …

Colony Collapse Research

Randall Weiseman Specialty Crops

The new Farm Bill authorizes up to $20 million per year over the next five years for honey bee research that includes trying to find the cause and the cure for Colony Collapse Disorder. Report (1:00 mp3)

NASS Acreage Report Due Out June 30

Randall Weiseman General

The National Ag Statistics Service will be releasing the 2008 acreage report on Monday. The report, which takes a look at the major row crops in the country, is mostly considered important for the Midwest but Jim Ewing with the Florida NASS office says our state has its share of those crops as well. Report (1:00 mp3) USDA NASS