Getting Consumers to Try American Lamb

Will Jordan American Lamb Board (ALB), American Sheep Industry Association (ASI), Industry, Livestock, Livestock News

Photo courtesy of Will Jordan.

Well as you get ready to celebrate America’s independence later this week, you may be considering which meats will grace your table. Along with the usual beef and pork, lamb could be an option. The American Lamb Board is focused on educating consumers about cooking lamb at home. In an effort to encourage more consumers to try American lamb, ALB partnered with two virtual cooking class programs to reduce the confidence barriers that often prevent folks from trying lamb. “We know lamb purchasers are motivated to buy lamb when they have access to easy-to-follow recipes,” says ALB Chairman Jeff Ebert. “These new partnerships take that to a new level by providing both recipes and interactive online classes to let consumers prepare lamb dishes at home alongside chefs across the country.” So for some variety, you might try lamb this week’s menu. For information, go to 

About the Author

Will Jordan

Will Jordan is an author, public speaker, livestock producer, and award-winning auctioneer. Known for innovation and storytelling, he is keen to the needs of farmers and ranchers. As a broadcaster, Will tells the story of agriculture daily, digging into subjects important to those who tune in.