A Look Ahead to Livestock Markets in 2018

Dan Beef, Cattle, Industry News Release, Livestock, Pork, Trade

livestockLivestock producers are heading into 2018 with both increasing production and demand. However, exports are critical to keep that trend moving. Mike Zuzolo (Zoo’-zuh-low) of Global Commodity Analytics says for beef producers, the path of least resistance for market prices is lower.


International demand remains strong for pork, with U.S. production increasing. He says export demand and slaughter capacity will dictate market conditions for 2018.


While he and others are not expecting any major disease breakout, disease pressure would benefit short-term hog prices.

Meanwhile, the North American Free Trade Agreement is a wildcard for the market. For beef and pork producers, he says the worry of NAFTA doesn’t seem to be priced into the market yet, and says withdrawing from the agreement could send domestic markets higher.


The Department of Agriculture for 2018 is predicting for red meat, poultry, eggs, and milk, mostly year-over-year production increases with lower prices.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.