USW Thanks USTR for Protecting Ag at WTO

Dan Industry News Release, Wheat

Farm groups thanked U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer for his efforts to defend U.S. agriculture against attempts to weaken the World Trade Organization rules on domestic support in agriculture.  Ben Conner, Director of Policy with U.S. Wheat’s Associates, attended the Buenos Aires Ministerial. He says at the meeting India and other countries attempted to create a permanent loophole for certain …

Lighthizer defends U.S. Ag in WTO Meeting

Dan Industry News Release, Trade, Wheat

U.S. Wheat Associates publicly thanked U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer for his work defending U.S. agriculture against attempts to weaken the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules on domestic support in agriculture. The Wheat Associates organization says the Buenos Aires WTO Ministerial Conference would be a failure and the mission of the WTO to advance trade would be negatively affected through …

Secretary Perdue Welcomes WTO Statement on MRLs

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued the following statement in response to the joint statement on pesticide maximum residue levels (MRLs) signed at the 11th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires: “The U.S. Department of Agriculture applauds the joint statement on pesticide MRLs issued this week at the WTO ministerial in Buenos Aires. The 17 signatory …

WTO Ruling an Important Win for U.S. Beef Exports to Indonesia

Dan Beef, Exports/Imports

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has ruled in favor of the United States in a dispute over Indonesia’s complex import requirements for a number of agricultural products, including U.S. beef. And according to a story from Joe Schuele with the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), that ruling is expected to open up significant new export opportunities for U.S. beef in …

U.S. Poultry Groups Applaud WTO’s Indonesian Ruling

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

U.S. poultry groups are pleased the World Trade Organization confirmed Indonesia’s import restrictions for horticultural products and animals and animal products are against WTO rules. The WTO has rejected Indonesia’s appeal of the panel finding, a move U.S. poultry groups say is a “resounding victory.” The USA Poultry & Egg Export Council, National Chicken Council, and National Turkey Federation echoed …

U.S. Gets WTO Win on Indonesia’s Beef Import Requirements

Dan Beef, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release

The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled in favor of the U.S. in a dispute with Indonesia over its complex and vague import requirements for beef and beef products. The U.S. Meat Export Federation says the WTO report found that all 18 of the import measures challenged by the U.S. were inconsistent with WTO rules governing trade. The ruling marks the …

WTO Will Investigate U.S. Complaint over China

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Trade, Wheat

The World Trade Organization has created a dispute panel to investigate U.S. complaints regarding import quotas by China. The panel came at the request of the U.S. regarding quotas on wheat, rice, and corn. The panel on tariff rate quotas for agricultural products was automatically established as it was the second request by the United States at the WTO Dispute …

U.S. Moving Forward with WTO China Grains Case

Dan Industry News Release

The United States is moving forward with a World Trade Organization case against China regarding tariff-rate quotas for agricultural products. The WTO said this week that the U.S. is requesting that the WTO set up a panel to investigate the tariff-rate quotas, a move that Reuters says sets up a showdown between the two largest economies in the world. The …