Tax Bill Passage Means Lower Taxes for Farmers

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Congress is providing farmers and ranchers with a last-minute holiday gift: lower tax bills in the future. A tax code overhaul passed by both the House and Senate this week makes many changes to the tax code that will benefit farmers and ranchers. American Farm Bureau Federation tax specialist Pat Wolff says the bill includes lower individual tax rates. Tax …

Agriculture Secretary Perdue Comments on Tax Reform

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue calls the recently passed tax reform bill a “once-in-a-generation” reform of the federal tax code. Calling tax reform an eagerly awaited Christmas present for taxpayers, Perdue says “tax paying people of American agriculture need relief.” In his statement, Perdue offered thanks to President Trump and commended Congress for passage of the legislation. He says most family …

Congressional Ag Leaders Applaud Tax Bill Passage

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees say the just-passed tax bill delivers lower taxes for farmers and ranchers. House Ag Chair Mike Conaway says: “From lower marginal rates to the treatment of pass-through income to improved small business expensing, this bill delivers for farmers, ranchers and all rural America.” Meanwhile, Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts says the legislation …

House/Senate Negotiating Differences in Tax Bill

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

House and Senate tax writers are moving quickly to negotiate differences between their two chambers’ bills, with one of the most sensitive, a tax break for ag and other small businesses. Among the biggest and most politically-sensitive differences between the two tax bills is the treatment of so-called “pass-through” businesses — a huge number in agriculture —  that file returns …

Busy Week Ahead for Congress

Dan Industry News Release

It will be a busy week in Congress with two big issues that will be addressed. Mary Kay Thatcher, senior director of congressional relations with the American Farm Bureau Federation spoke to Kansas Farm Bureau members at their annual meeting in Manhattan Monday morning. We’ll learn soon the conferees for the conference committee that will try and put the House …

Peterson Likes Senate Tax Bill Better Than House Version

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

House Ag Committee ranking member Collin Peterson says the Senate tax bill is closer to something he can support than the House Bill. The Minnesota Democrat hopes changes will be made so he can support the conference report. Peterson tells the Hagstrom Report that he supports lowering corporate tax rates but not at the expense of raising taxes on individuals. …

Tax Bill Includes One of Agriculture’s Top Goals, with a Caveat

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

House Republicans are out with their tax bill, and it includes one of the agriculture’s top goals, with a caveat. Republicans plan to eliminate the estate tax. But, in a move that will ease the loss of revenue and help counter Democrats’ criticism the bill favors the rich, the GOP will double exemptions for estate taxes and then end the …