Industry Reaction to U.S. Senate Approval of a Disaster Aid Package

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Weather

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) applauded Senate passage of a disaster supplemental that will provide much-needed funds to Florida’s Northwest communities, which were devastated by Hurricane Michael more than seven months ago. With Senate passage, Rubio urged the U.S. House of Representatives to swiftly approve the long overdue disaster relief package, and send the measure …

Senate to Vote on Disaster Relief Next Week

Dan Economy

Disaster aid is before the U.S. Senate as lawmakers are working to break the political logjam over urgently-needed assistance for farmers hurt by storm damage. This includes those here in the Southeast affected by Hurricane Michael last October. While the House did pass a disaster bill last week, congressional leaders and the White House have been discussing a bipartisan bill that …

House and Senate Ag Committee Leaders Release Farm Bill Conference Report

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

House and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairmen Mike Conaway (R-Texas) and Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and Ranking Members Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) released the text of the bipartisan, bicameral 2018 Farm Bill conference report. “America’s farmers and ranchers are weathering the fifth year of severe recession, so passing a farm bill this week that strengthens the farm safety net …

Senate Farm Bill Making Progress

Josh McGill Farm Bill, Industry News Release

The Senate early this week showed large support for the farm bill, or at least debate on the bill. The procedural cloture vote Monday passed easily, 89-3. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the chamber has the opportunity to finalize this bill this week. Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts spoke on the Senate floor Tuesday, calling the legislation “the …

Long Awaited Tax Reform Nearing Reality

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Comprehensive tax reform, supported by the American Farm Bureau Federation, could soon cross the finish line. The House and Senate have both passed their own versions of tax reform bills.  According to AFBF senior congressional relations director Pat Wolff, the biggest difference for agriculture is how pass-through business income will be treated, income reported by farmers and ranchers who file …

House/Senate Negotiating Differences in Tax Bill

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

House and Senate tax writers are moving quickly to negotiate differences between their two chambers’ bills, with one of the most sensitive, a tax break for ag and other small businesses. Among the biggest and most politically-sensitive differences between the two tax bills is the treatment of so-called “pass-through” businesses — a huge number in agriculture —  that file returns …

Big Week for Agriculture in Washington

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

It’s a “big” week for agriculture in Washington, with key actions likely to have an impact on producers’ bottom-line. The U.S. Senate is expected to take a “make-or-break” vote Thursday or Friday on the GOP’s tax plan, that Republicans will have to pass with a likely razor-thin, Republican-only majority. The GOP is edging closer to the needed votes, and President …

Senate Committee Advances Chief Ag Negotiator Nominee

Dan Industry News Release

The Senate Finance Committee Tuesday advanced the nomination of Greg Doud as chief agriculture negotiator to the full Senate. The move puts Doud closer to the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations, with one vote remaining until he can take his post at the U.S. Trade Representative’s office. Chairman Orrin Hatch of Utah says of the Trump Administration that it …

NFU Disappointed by House Vote for AHCA

Dan Industry News Release

Calls on Senate to Reject the Bill The U.S. House of Representatives voted to approve the American Health Care Act (AHCA), a bill that would cause millions of Americans to lose their health insurance, lessen protections for those with preexisting conditions, and adversely affect family farmers and rural Americans. National Farmers Union (NFU) President Roger Johnson issued the following statement …

USTR Nomination Vote Could Reach Full Senate After Recess

Dan Industry News Release

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch of Utah is hopeful his committee can advance the nomination of Robert Lighthizer, President Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Trade Representative, when the Senate returns from its two-week Easter recess. Hatch attempted a committee vote Thursday, but was forced to delay the vote after just one Democrat, Oregon’s Ron Wyden, showed to the committee …