Trump Exploring Exports Under RFS, Scaling Back Hardship Waivers, E15 Sales

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Trump Administration will scale back hardship waivers under the Renewable Fuel Standard, according to Reuters. A source tells Reuters that the move includes counting ethanol exports towards biofuel usage quotas set under the RFS. The move seeks to ease tension between the oil and corn industries which have been at odds for months regarding the RFS, including multiple White …

Senators Want Answers on RFS Economic Hardship Waiver to CVR

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

A group of senators is seeking more information regarding an economic hardship waiver under the Renewable Fuel Standard sent to CVR Energy, owned by Carl Icahn. The group of Democrats, including Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin and Minnesota’s Amy Klobuchar, sent letters seeking information to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt and Icahn, the billionaire former adviser to President Trump and Chairman …

Former Senators Ask Congress to Investigate EPA/RFS Waivers

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Former Senators Byron Dorgan of North Dakota and James Talent of Missouri both played major roles in the legislation that established the current Renewable Fuels Standard. This week, the two say Congress should investigate the waivers to the RFS granted to more than two-dozen refineries by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. In a statement released by the National Biodiesel …

Study: RFS Impact on Refinery Profitability Minimal

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley’s energy policy staff analyzed recent claims by opponents of the Renewable Fuels Standard, specifically as it relates to the bankruptcy of Philadelphia Energy Solutions. The company attributed its recent filing in part to the RFS. The analysis found that the biofuels blending requirement and the cost of the Renewable Identification Number credits both have little to …

Latest RFS Bill Ignores Ethanol Benefits and Science

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Vermont Democratic Representative Pete Welch, along with New Hampshire Democratic Senator Tom Udall, introduced companion legislation into Congress attempting to reform the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). On a press call announcing the legislation Thursday, the lawmakers were joined by Collin O’Mara, President of the National Wildlife Federation, as well as Debbie Sease, Director of the Sierra Club National Campaign. The …

Ethanol Industry Workers, Veterans Ask Trump To Support RFS

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Plant managers, general managers, and CEOs from 150 biofuel production facilities, including nearly every Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) producer member, sent a letter to President Trump today, urging him to continue to “stand strong in defense of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).” President Trump met last week with ethanol and oil industry stakeholders, including RFA members, to discuss the RFS …

No Deal After White House Biofuels Meeting

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

A Reuters article says there was no agreement in a meeting between lawmakers and Cabinet members regarding the Renewable Fuels Standard. President Donald Trump had called for a meeting between the two sides who have been feuding over the current state of the renewable fuels law. The decade-old policy was intended to help farmers and reduce the nation’s petroleum imports. …

Farm Groups Ask President Trump to Support Renewable Fuels Standard

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

A group of six leaders from farm and commodity organizations, including American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall, signed a letter to President Donald Trump regarding their support for the Renewable Fuels Standard. The letter is below for your reading. February 26, 2018 The President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: While millions of …

NCGA Responds to Cruz Speech on RFS

Dan Corn, Energy, Industry News Release

The following is a statement from North Dakota farmer Kevin Skunes, president of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), in response to Senator Cruz’s remarks during the Philadelphia refinery (PES) town hall. “While most refiners are reporting double digit profit increases, Philadelphia Energy Solutions has filed for bankruptcy protection because its investors put their interests ahead of their workers’ interests. …

Cruz Proposal Could Harm Renewable Fuels

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Texas Senator Ted Cruz made a recent proposal to cap the cost of Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) as a way to control the cost for refiners that blend renewable fuels into the nation’s gasoline supply. A DTN report says capping the cost of RINs at ten cents each would basically all but eliminate the Renewable Fuels Standard mandate for biodiesel …