Animal Activist Groups Target Tyson Again Over Contract Growers

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration, Poultry

The activist group Mercy for Animals is going after Tyson Foods again, but this time it’s not about the chickens. It’s in regards to Tyson’s treatment of its contract growers. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution says Mercy for Animals is launching a four-billboard campaign in northern Georgia seeking anonymous reports from contract farmers about Tyson Foods. The relationship between growers and the …


New Survey Examines Consumers’ Understanding of the Environmental Impact of Chicken Production

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

National Chicken Council Seeks to Bridge the Gap Between Consumer Perception & Reality Further delivering on its commitment to transparency, the National Chicken Council (NCC) unveiled the findings of its new nationwide survey about how deeply consumers understand sustainable food practices as it relates to broiler chicken production, an industry that maintains one of the lowest environmental footprints in animal …


Auburn Opens New Addition to Research Complex

Dan Alabama, Industry News Release, Poultry

One of the nation’s largest food industries will soon find its innovation hub in Alabama, thanks to Auburn University’s new Charles C. Miller Poultry Research and Education Center. The 30-acre, multi-facility complex will celebrate the opening of its newest facility, an administration and classroom building, April 10 at 3 p.m. Current and planned Miller Center facilities and technologies reflect every …


Poultry Production Likely Slower in 2019

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

U.S. broiler markets are still weak, and prices are depressed. As a result, Rabobank says poultry production is likely to slow down in 2019. Nan-Dirk Mulder, a senior analyst for animal protein at Rabobank, says the outlook for the global poultry industry will gradually improve as the year progresses. The biggest improvements will likely arrive in the second half of …

national chicken

National Chicken Council Launches New Website Designed Exclusively for Foodservice Professionals

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

Platform Debuts Amidst New Survey Data Revealing Chicken Consumption Out of Home Is Growing and Consumers’ Desire More Information About the Chicken They Buy and Eat Recognizing consumers’ desire for more information when they’re dining out, the National Chicken Council (NCC) recently launched a new website designed exclusively for foodservice and culinary professionals to learn more about how the chicken …

egg laying

Egg Laying Chickens with Personalities

Dan Poultry, This Land of Ours

Cathy Isom has, over the past week, discussed several different types of chickens for your backyard flock. Today, Cathy tells you about the chickens known for having sweet personalities paired with exceptional egg laying capabilities.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Egg Laying Chickens with Personalities The Plymouth Rock chicken is an exceptionally friendly bird that will make …