Pig Farmers Pay it Forward

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

Throughout each year, pig farmers give back to their community. Pork Checkoff public relations manager Claire Masker says that is especially evident during this time of the year. Giving For the second straight year, the Pork Checkoff has organized the #HamsAcrossAmerica campaign. Campaign Earlier this week, the National Pork Board, the Iowa Pork Producers Association, Smithfield Foods and PrairieFresh Premium …

Pig Farmers Complying with New VFD Requirements

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

A recent survey shows that U.S. pig farmers are complying with the new federal rules regarding antibiotic use in their animals. The November survey done by the National Pork Board showed that 95 percent of farmers were ready for full compliance well before the January first deadline. Jan Archer, Pork Board President, says, “The pork industry has worked toward the …