Dairy Producers Reminded of December 15 Deadline

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds dairy producers that December 15, 2017 is the deadline to enroll for 2018 coverage in the Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy).  Additional flexibility was added this year which provides dairy producers the option of opting out of the program for 2018. In order to opt out, a producer should not sign up during the annual registration …

Dairy Producers Look for Solutions in 2018 Farm Bill

Dan Dairy, Farm Bill, Industry News Release

2018 promises to be a big year for the dairy industry. An important part of the conversation will be managing volatility and how to improve current price support programs. Like all of agriculture, the dairy industry is eagerly awaiting the launch of a new Farm Bill in January 2019. Policies to improve the current economic climate for the nation’s milk …

Global Food Prices Reported Lower

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Global food prices dropped in October, led by lower dairy products. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s monthly Food Price Index averaged 176.4 points for the month of October, down 1.3 percent from September, while still up 2.5 percent from a year earlier. The Index is a measure of the monthly change in international prices of a basket of …

Dairy Producers Reminded to Enroll for 2018 Coverage

Dan Dairy

USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) wants to remind dairy producers that enrollment for 2018 coverage in the Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy) continues through Dec. 15, 2017. MPP-Dairy gives participating dairy producers the flexibility to select coverage levels best suited for their operation. Participating farmers will remain in the program through Dec. 31, 2018, and pay a minimum $100 administrative fee …

Dairy Industry Applauds Introduction of School Milk Nutrition Act

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The nation’s dairy industry applauded the introduction of a bipartisan bill this week that would help reverse the decline in milk consumption in schools. The National Milk Producers Federation and the International Dairy Foods Association say the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2017 would make permanent the administrative changes in the school lunch program proposed earlier this year by the …

Misbranded Dairy Imitations Mislead Americans

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Require Enforcement Action, NMPF Tells FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s recent comments about the need for strong federal oversight of food labels are exactly what is needed to address the misleading labeling and branding of imitation dairy products, the National Milk Producers Federation said. In a letter to FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb, …

Peterson Says Writing Farm Bill Will be a Challenge

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

The House Agriculture Committee held seven Farm Bill listening sessions this year with the goal of hearing what farmers and commodity groups are looking for in the next Farm Bill. Ranking member Collin Peterson says they heard from people in a lot of different ag sectors. Cotton and dairy groups are looking for some extra help from the new Farm …

October Dairy Market Report from NMPF

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

In the October Dairy Market Report, milk prices continued to strengthen in August, but production is showing signs of acceleration. This year’s slow decline in the rate of U.S. milk production growth was interrupted in July and August, bouncing back to a 2 percent year-over-year increase. Lower feed costs in August helped further improve the month financially for the nation’s …