Proposed Tariff Hearings Underway in Washington

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Hearings are underway in Washington, D.C. on a proposed list of Chinese products the U.S. has targeted with 25 percent tariff. The three-day event features testimony from more than 100 witnesses. One of those testifying is farmer Michelle Erickson-Jones, a member of Farmers for Free Trade, who says the U.S. farm community is already feeling the effects of the threatened …

Trump Deal on China’s ZTE May Reduce Ag Tariff’s

Dan Industry News Release, Technology

A possible agreement between President Trump and China that would relax penalties on a Chinese telecom company could ease the agriculture tariff threats. Trump is talking with China to ease restrictions on ZTE, a smartphone company that shut down major operating activities last week after Trump’s seven-year export ban stemming from trade violations. A source close to the talks says …

Canada, China, Talking Trade

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada and China are seeking a stronger trade relationship. The two countries have agreed to increase collaboration on agriculture, including expanding market access. The move is key to a trade target by Canada to grow global agriculture and food exports to $75 billion by 2025, according to Canadian Minister of Agriculture Lawrence MacAulay. Officials from Canada, including MacAulay, are in …

Agriculture Prominent in U.S. and China Discussions

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross gave testimony to a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Thursday, during which trade with China was a key topic. Channel News Asia Dot Com says Ross hopes to reduce the differences between the two countries, in which hundreds of billions of dollars in commerce are at stake in a trade war. Ross led a delegation to …

China Steps Up Pork Inspections, Slowing Imports

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

China is stepping up inspections of pork imports from the United States. Ports are opening and inspecting every cargo that arrives, according to a report by Reuters, compared with inspections carried out only “randomly” in the past. Some trade experts see the move, along with other similar actions by China, as a warning to the United States in response to …

Bunge: China Has Stopped Buying U.S. Soybeans

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Soybeans

China has stopped buying U.S. soybeans as a result of a trade war between the two nations. Bunge Ltd. CEO Soren Schroder told Bloomberg this week that China is instead buying soybeans from Canada and Brazil. China last month announced the planned tariff on U.S. soybeans, shifting the nation’s buying habits. The tariffs are part of an ongoing trade dispute …

Farmers for Free Trade Report Highlights Damage from Chinese Retaliation

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Farmers for Free Trade released a new report that highlights the significant impact that Chinese retaliation from steel and aluminum tariffs will have on a number of U.S. industries. The report shows that many American commodities will be hit hard, including U.S. wine, almonds, walnuts, pork, cherry, and several other commodities. The report also says certain states’ economies will be …