Canada Won’t Place Further Restrictions on Dicamba

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

Canada will not follow a move by the U.S. to place further restrictions on dicamba herbicides. Health Canada, responsible for regulations of herbicides, says it supports the current Canadian labels for dicamba. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently increased restrictions on the use of dicamba sprayed over crops, after the first season of use for dicamba-resistant soybeans turned up about …

Canada “Extremely Worried” About NAFTA Direction

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada is “extremely worried” behind the scenes regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations. News network CTV of Canada reports the latest round of negotiations has caused concerns. The U.S. has since tabled a measure to dismantle Canada’s dairy supply management system, but the issue is likely to come up again. Canada refuses to make changes to the …

Trade Negotiators at Odds Over NAFTA Proposals

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Trade negotiators are accusing each other of sabotaging attempts to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) following the latest round of talks. Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland accused the U.S. of pursuing a “winner take all” approach. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said of the talks that the NAFTA trade partners do not seem “willing to make any …

NAFTA Talks Reach Standstill

Dan Dairy, Trade, Vegetables

Agriculture and other contentious issues proposed by the U.S. during round four of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks have stalled the renegotiation effort. The U.S., Canada, and Mexico have now agreed to extend the talks into 2018, failing to meet the Trump Administration’s goal to conclude the talks by the end of this year. The move comes …

NAFTA Commodity Groups Unite to Urge Negotiation Success

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

U.S. commodity export groups, along with counterparts from Canada and Mexico, are reiterating their support for free trade. The U.S. Grains Council, along with the U.S. Soybean Export Council, National Sorghum Producers, National Corn Growers, and others, met with counterparts from Canada and Mexico last week. As round four of the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations conclude, the groups …

Canada “Flatly Rejects” U.S. Dairy Proposal

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Wrapping up the fourth round of talks on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the U.S. proposed a dismantling of Canada’s dairy supply management system. Bloomberg reports Canada “flatly rejects” the proposal by the United States. The proposal would effectively kill Canada’s supply management system by fully eliminating tariffs on supply-managed products over ten years. President Donald Trump earlier …

Axios: Capitol Hill Asking “When” will NAFTA Withdraw Notice Come

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada and Mexico have both said they are not walking away from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) following hard-hitting proposals by the United States. However, online source Axios points out that folks on Capitol Hill are starting to ask “when” not “if” President Trump will issue a notice to withdraw from NAFTA. The U.S. hardball approach on dairy …

NAFTA Talks Turn to Agriculture, Dairy

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S. wants to reverse Canada’s dairy supply management system as part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiation. U.S. negotiators centered on the agriculture chapter of NAFTA over the weekend and proposed to reverse Canadian dairy pricing program that has undercut certain U.S. dairy exports to Canada. The text, which demands that Canada eliminates an industry pricing …

More Than Bluster to President Trump’s Threats to Pull Out of NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A former USDA trade chief argues there’s more than bluster to President Trump’s threats to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Paul Drazek was the trade adviser to USDA Secretary Dan Glickman in the Bill Clinton Administration. Drazek says he feels recent threats by President Trump to pull out of NAFTA, key for U.S. agriculture, are …

Ag, Business Groups Hit Capitol Hill

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

As the fourth round of NAFTA talks continues, numerous agriculture and business groups are increasingly concerned about the future of the 23-year old agreement. Politico’s Morning Ag Report says a large group of organizations, including the American Farm Bureau, National Pork Producers Council, the Coalition of Services Industries, and many others hit Capitol Hill on Wednesday. The goal was to …