Crop and Livestock Prices Plunge Under Weight of COVID-19 Uncertainty

Dan Cattle, Economy, Field Crops, Industry News Release

(AFBF) — Updated analysis by the American Farm Bureau Federation shows crop and livestock prices falling to levels that threaten the livelihoods of many U.S. farmers and ranchers. Shuttered schools, universities, restaurants, bars and cafeterias are no longer buying milk, meat, fruits, vegetables and other food, causing a downward spiral in crop and livestock prices. Nearby futures prices for nearly …

Coronavirus Impact Ripples Across Farm Country

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

(AFBF) — From dairy farmers with nowhere to send their milk and cattle ranchers reeling from plummeting beef prices, the impact of the coronavirus is rippling through farm country. Corn, cotton and soybean futures have tumbled, ethanol plants have been idled, and some fruit and vegetable farmers are finding their best option is leaving produce in the field. Price forecasts …

State Department Clears the Way for Agriculture Workforce

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

(AFBF) — The U.S. State Department revised its restrictions on the processing of visa applications submitted by farm workers in Mexico after hearing concerns that the restrictions would lead to a farm worker shortage in the U.S. Consular officers can now waive the visa interview requirement for eligible first-time and returning H-2A and H-2B applicants, making more workers in the H-2 …

Agriculture Groups Call on Lawmakers to Support Farmers During COVID-19 Pandemic

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

(AFBF) – Forty-eight agriculture groups are calling on Congress to expand USDA’s borrowing authority under the Commodity Credit Corporation. Congress must act to ensure the CCC has the authority and funding to assist farmers and ranchers facing serious cash flow challenges during the coronavirus pandemic. The letter, addressed to both Senate and House leaders reads, “Farmers, ranchers and the supply chain …

Farm Bureau Highlights Immediate Challenges Facing the Agriculture Sector

Dan Industry News Release

(AFBF) — American Farm Bureau has released its first assessment of the impact on farmers and ranchers in the wake of the national mitigation efforts to combat COVID-19.  In a letter to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, AFBF President Zippy Duvall pledged that “America’s farmers and ranchers will be with you every step of the way, doing all that we …

U.S. Agriculture Focused on Stable Food Supply, Farm Labor Worries Grow

Dan General, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

(AFBF) — U.S. agriculture is working diligently to maintain the stability of our food supply as concerns over COVID-19 lead to increased consumer purchases of groceries and other items.  The following statement may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall about the commitment of farmers and ranchers, as well as a serious concern related to the U.S. …

Trump to Attend AFBF Convention

Dan General

(NAFB) — President Donald Trump will again join the American Farm Bureau Federation for its annual convention. The 101st AFBF Annual Convention and Trade Show runs January 17-22 in Austin, Texas. President Trump is scheduled to attend Sunday, January 19. This marks the third straight year Trump has attended the AFBF convention. AFBF President Zippy Duvall says in a statement, …

Farm Bureau: Farmers Need Meaningful Ag Labor Reform

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

(AFBF) — The following statement may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: “At a time when the farm worker shortage has reached a crisis in parts of the country, it is deeply disappointing that the House blocked any possibility of improving the legislation designed to address the problem, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. Several amendments addressed …

Farm Groups Partner to Help Farmers Manage Stress

Dan General, Industry News Release

(AFBF) — Recognizing the high levels of stress affecting America’s farmers and ranchers, Farm Credit, American Farm Bureau Federation and National Farmers Union have partnered on a program to train individuals who interact with farmers and ranchers to recognize signs of stress and offer help. Based on the farm stress program Michigan State University Extension developed for the U.S. Department …

Legal Challenge Filed Against California’s Proposition 12

Dan Industry News Release, Livestock

(NPPC) — The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) and the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) have filed a legal challenge to California’s Proposition 12, which imposes animal housing standards that reach outside of California’s borders to farms across the United States and beyond. “Proposition 12 revolves around a set of arbitrary standards that lack any scientific, technical or agricultural basis, …