Farm Bureau’s Duvall, Aiken Cite Strengths of Clean Water Rule

Dan Industry News Release, Water

The newly proposed Clean Water Rule would empower America’s farmers and ranchers to protect the nation’s water resources and provide much-needed regulatory clarity to guide those stewardship efforts, according to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall. Duvall spoke in Tennessee during an agricultural stakeholder meeting on the newly proposed Waters of the United States Rule. The event, hosted by …

Farm Bureau: USDA Broadband Program Will Boost Rural Economy

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Technology

The following statement regarding the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect broadband program can be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall. “The Agriculture Department’s latest effort to boost broadband services in rural America could not come at a better time. Rural broadband is essential to modern agriculture, the farmers and ranchers who grow our food and to the quality of …

Farm Bureau Calls for Final Farm Bill Approval

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

The following statement regarding the House and Senate Ag Leaders’ announced “agreement in principle” on the 2018 Farm Bill conference report may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall. “The 2018 farm bill emerging from the conference committee is good news for farmers amid a prolonged downturn in the agricultural economy. Chairmen Roberts and Conaway and Ranking …

farm bureau

Farm Bureau Survey: Thanksgiving Dinner Cost Down for Third Straight Year

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Poultry

The American Farm Bureau Federation’s 33rd annual survey of classic items found on the Thanksgiving Day dinner table indicates the average cost of this year’s feast for 10 is $48.90, or less than $5.00 per person. This is a 22-cent decrease from last year’s average of $49.12. “Since 2015, the average cost of Thanksgiving dinner has declined steadily and is …

Farm Bureau Looks Forward to Working with New Congress

Dan Industry News Release, Legislative

The following statement may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: “We look forward to working with the new Congress to strengthen agriculture by fixing the ag labor problems we face, boosting our farm economy via export growth and reducing the burden and cost of federal regulations. Supporting the use of farm-grown fuels, fixing our nation’s broken …

Throw Out Water Rule, Farm Bureau, Others Tell Texas Court

Dan Environment, Industry News Release, Water

A 2015 rule that expands the federal government’s control over private land nationwide should be vacated in its entirety, attorneys argued in papers filed with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas. AFBF and a broad coalition of business groups, along with the state of Texas and others, are suing to do away with the 2015 “Waters …

World Food Day: Farmers Committed to Decreasing Global Hunger

Dan Industry News Release

The following statement regarding 2018 World Food Day can be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall. “Farm Bureau joins the world in commemorating 2018 World Food Day. America’s farmers and ranchers are committed to doing everything in their power to decrease global hunger and malnutrition. Advances in modern agricultural technology, from seed science to precision agriculture tools, …

Livestock Groups Petition Department of Transportation for Hours of Service Flexibility

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Livestock

Organizations representing livestock, bee, and fish haulers across the country submitted a petition to the Department of Transportation (DOT) requesting additional flexibility on Hours of Service (HOS) requirements. The petition asks for a five-year exemption from certain HOS requirements for livestock haulers and encourages DOT to work with the livestock industry to implement additional fatigue-management practices. Current rules limit drive time to …

Farmer Details How Landowners Partner with Government for Conservation Success

Dan Environment, Industry News Release, USDA-NRCS

Mississippi farmer Mike McCormick shared with Congress several examples of how private landowners partner effectively with state agencies to recover and conserve wildlife. McCormick, a cow/calf and timber farmer and president of the Mississippi Farm Bureau, spoke to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on behalf of the American Farm Bureau Federation. McCormick said one of several great …

Trade Deal Adds to Momentum

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada’s last-minute agreement to join a new NAFTA with the U.S. and Mexico, resolves major trade and legislative hurdles for U.S. agriculture. The trilateral deal, seen as a big trade win for President Trump amid a protracted tariff fight with China, will also make it easier for U.S. dairy to compete in Canada, which strongly resisted changes to its supply …