Everett Griner talks about this, the 4th consecutive year, farm income has declined in today’s Agri View. Farm Income Declined…Again The average farm income is expected to decline again this year. According to USDA, this is the fourth consecutive decline. One source put the loss at 16 thousand dollars per family. It doesn’t matter if it is soybeans or cattle. …
Agri View: New Imported Problem for Producers
Everett Griner talks about a new imported problem for our producers in today’s Agri View. New Imported Problem for Producers It is called the Longhorned Tick. It came here, to this country, like most other insects and diseases. It was brought here from East Asia. That is where it was found first. The name tells you that it is a …
Agri View: Farm Labor Cost More Today
Everett Griner talks about farm labor costing more in today’s Agri View. Farm Labor Cost More Today No matter where the crop is grown, and what the price is that is paid to farmers, there are still problems for farmers. Labor. Even the Latin-American workers, whether there are more-or-less, they are more attracted to other jobs than they are to …
Agri View: Trade War Damage
Everett Griner talks about who loses in a trade war in today’s Agri View. Trade War Damage Trade war — it has been going on for almost half a year now, and nobody has any notion of when it will end. Unlike a real war where many people are hurt, trade war hurts everybody, especially the producer. Look at this: …
Agri View: Buying Food From a Vending Machine
Everett Griner talks about buying your food from a vending machine in today’s Agri View. Buying Food From a Vending Machine Now, here is something to think about. You may one day be buying your food from a machine instead of a food store. You will have a choice. Snack food or food to take home and cook. The usual …
Agri View: Value of Bugs Pollinating Crops
Everett Griner talks about bugs of value to farmers for pollinating crops in today’s Agri View. Value of Bugs Pollinating Crops A lot has been said about the decline of the honeybee. We can be comforted in the fact that they are nowhere close to extension. They do need help pollinating plants of this world. I think I have already …
Agri View: Pineapple – World Known Crop
Everett Griner talks about a crop that is marked across the world in today’s Agri View. Pineapple – World Known Crop Pineapple. One of the tastiest crops we grow. It is one of the most versatile too. Most of the marketable crop is grown in Hawaii, but, that is not where it started. The original home of the pineapple was …
Agri View: America’s Roads Falling Apart
Everett Griner talks about America’s roads falling apart in today’s Agri View. America’s Roads Falling Apart The issue of our nation’s infrastructure falling apart goes back to the first Bush administration. Congress has not delivered any plan that would lead to an overhaul. Repairs are constantly being made. But, no wholesale effort to rebuild. It is especially a problem for …
Agri View: Growing World Record Vegetables
Everett Griner talks about growing vegetables where size does matter in today’s Agri View. Growing World Record Vegetables I don’t know who keeps up with it or how they find out, but I enjoy reading about the world’s biggest vegetables and where they are grown. The latest one I saw a farmer in England had produced an onion that weighed …
Agri View: Buying or Renting – Land Prices
Everett Griner talks about land prices increasing, whether you are buying or renting, in today’s Agri View. Buying or Renting – Land Prices If you are going to farm, you must have land. There are two ways. You can own it or rent it. Either way, it is costing more. Some farmers do both. Here’s the way it is in …