GA Counties Look for Disaster Aid

Randall Weiseman Georgia, Peanuts

Drought conditions across Georgia have prompted more disaster declarations as Tyron Spearman says certain counties are hoping for some aid.  Report (:45 mp3)

Peanut Imports vs Exports

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

Tyron Spearman has a look at the lastest numbers which compares the exports and exports of peanuts in the U.S.  Report (:20 mp3)

Peanut Payment Figures

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

Today Tyron Spearman runs down the latest peanut payment numbers and how they could affect future marketing plans.  Report (:45 mp3)

Transfat Labeling Change

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

Tyron also looks at information about changing labeling for transfats and how that affects peanuts.  Report (:20 mp3)

Peanut Deliveries Continue

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

Tyron Spearman has an update on where peanut deliveries stand at this point across the Southeast.  Report (1:10 mp3)

Peanut News from Farm Bill

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

Peanut growers do have some things in the proposed farm bill that is good like the new “Green Payment.” Tyron Spearman has more.  Report (:25 mp3)

Peanut Title Specifics

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

As we wait to see what happens to the Farm Bill heading to the Senate floor, Tyron Spearman takes a look at some of the specifics of the peanut title.  Report (1:00 mp3)

Peanut Program in Senate Farm Bill

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

The Senate Ag Committee has released information about their version of the Farm Bill which does include a program for peanut growers. Tyron Spearman takes a look at some of the details. Report (1:05 mp3)

FL Peanut Producers Watching Farm Bill

Randall Weiseman Florida, Peanuts

The Senate will soon get back to action with constructing a new farm bill and the FL Peanut Producers Association is just one of the many groups that will be watching to see how it will affect peanut growers.  Report (1:00 mp3)