Lime Applications Essential for Georgia Cotton Growers

Dan Cotton, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC), Soil, Soil, soil fertility

Georgia cotton growers are on the cusp of another planting season. The Georgia Cotton Commission and University of Georgia (UGA) Extension Cotton Team remind producers about the importance of applying lime this time of year. Camp Hand, UGA Extension cotton agronomist, discussed its significance. “I’ve seen a few lime piles around, so that’s something that definitely needs to be done …

Back to the Basics: UGA Extension Reminds Cotton Growers About Importance of Soil Fertility

Dan Cotton, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC), Soil, Soil, soil fertility

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission and University of Georgia Cotton Team encourage growers to get back to the basics with regards to soil fertility. Glen Harris, UGA Extension soil specialist, discussed that topic with AgNet Media’s Randall Weiseman during the recent GCC annual meeting in Tifton, Georgia. “There are a lot of new things we’re looking at; biologicals, …

Center Providing Plant Management Solutions for the Southeast Region

Dan Conservation, Education, Environment, Field Crops, Pecans, Seeds, soil fertility, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours, USDA-NRCS, Vegetables

The center providing plant management solutions for the Southeast region.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center is one of a national network of 25 centers dedicated to providing vegetative solutions, and developing and transferring plant science technology to solve conservation issues. Located in Americus, Georgia, it’s one of four centers serving the Southeast …

Plant Materials Center Provides Diverse Climate Plant Solutions

Dan Citrus, Climate Change, Corn, Cotton, Cover Crops, Environment, Field Crops, Fruits, Hemp, Herbs, Nursery Crops, Organic, Peanuts, Pest/Pest Control, Pollinators, Pollinators, Research, Research, Seeds, Soil, soil fertility, Soybeans, Specialty Crops, Sugar, This Land of Ours, Tree Nuts, USDA-NRCS, Vegetables, Wheat

The center providing plant solutions in a diverse climate. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.  The Lockeford Plant Materials Center is a 106-acre facility located in the Central Valley of California.  It’s about an hour southeast of the state’s capitol, Sacramento, and is the only plant materials in the state. The center provides plant solutions for the diverse …

Soil Sampling: Management Tactic Helps Farmers Determine Nutrient Needs

Clint Thompson soil fertility

The 2021 planting season is just around the corner for Southeast producers. It is the ideal time for farmers to sample their soils and determine what nutrients need to be applied, said Mike Riffle, Senior Manager, Field Development at Valent U.S.A. LLC. “I think any grower, no matter what they’re growing, should be doing soil testing, probably yearly. Now is …

Cover Crops Play Vital Role in Soil Conservation

Dan Alabama, Field Crops, Industry News Release, Soil, soil fertility

(ACES) — Heavy bouts of rainfall and strong storms created the perfect scenario for Alabama producers to talk about the many benefits of planting cover crops during the winter season. Audrey Gamble, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System soil scientist, said the weather throughout winter months in Alabama has allowed for thought-provoking conversations surrounding use of cover crops and off-season land …