Georgia Lawmakers Ask Perdue to Ditch GIPSA Rules

Dan Industry News Release, Livestock, Poultry

A group of Georgia lawmakers is pitching an idea to scrap some GIPSA rules to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, a former Georgia Governor. A group of 10 members of Congress from Georgia has sent a letter to Perdue urging the Secretary to withdraw two proposed rules under the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration. The lawmakers say the rules, currently …

Ag Export Groups Support CREAATE Act

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Members of the Coalition to Promote U.S. Agricultural Exports and the Agribusiness Coalition for Foreign Market Development welcomed introduction of House Resolution 2321 last week, the Cultivating Revitalization by Expanding American Agricultural Trade and Exports Act. The Act was introduced by Washington-State Republican Representative Dan Newhouse and Maine Democratic Representative Chellie (Shell-lee) Pingree. The coalitions say the CREAATE Act captures …

Canada, Mexico, Eyeing Trade Markets Beyond U.S.

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Mexico and Canada both are eyeing new trade partners as trade rhetoric and threats from the U.S. are growing trade-related concerns between the three countries. The North American Free Trade Agreement members, Canada and Mexico, are considering non-U.S. markets, including China, to grow their economies in the future. The moves come as President Donald Trump promises a renegotiation of NAFTA, …

Roberts Suggests no New Farm Bill Funding

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Leadership of the Senate Agriculture Committee indicated there would be no additional money to spend in the next farm bill while touting the cost savings from the most recent farm bill. During a farm bill field hearing in Michigan over the weekend, Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts said: “The reality is we are going to have to do more …

Putnam: `No End In Sight’ to Wildfires

Dan Florida, Forestry, Industry News Release

from The News Service of Florida Nearly 125 wildfires were active in the state on Monday, and the dry conditions are expected to continue into the early summer, Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam said. “Florida is in the middle of its worst wildfire season in years — with no end in sight,” Putnam said in a prepared statement. “With such an …

Canada Offers Potential U.S. Ethanol Export Growth

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

With Canada seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 megatons by 2030, the U.S. ethanol industry is eager to help Canada reach the goal. The U.S. Grains Council says the U.S. ethanol industry last month visited Canada to tout U.S. ethanol. The industry also commented on the proposed Canadian Clean Fuel Standard. Canada has an existing national blending mandate …

ChemChina Secures Shareholder Approval of Syngenta Takeover

Dan Industry News Release

State-owned ChemChina has secured its takeover of Syngenta after more than 80 percent of Syngenta shareholders approved the acquisition. The Financial Times reports 80.7 percent of shares had been tendered by the end of the offer period on Thursday evening, above the 67 percent minimum required for the deal to go ahead. The $43 billion deal, announced more than a …

Avian Influenza Found in Mexico

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

The World Organization for Animal Health reports that highly contagious H7N3 avian influenza was confirmed Thursday at a farm in west-central Mexico. The virus was discovered in a flock of 15,000 birds that had been vaccinated and did not show any clinical signs of the disease, according to agriculture officials in Mexico. Reuters reports that the farm is under quarantine …

Senate Bill Would Protect Farmworkers

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

U/S.A bill introduced last week in the U.S. Senate would give farmworkers a path to legal status and citizenship. California Senators, Democrats Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, introduced the legislation last week that would shield farmworkers who are in the country illegally from deportation and create a path to citizenship, according to the L.A. Times. Feinstein says “farm labor is …

Free Trade, Relationships Key To Market Competitiveness In South Korea

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Recent events in foreign policy and the ongoing conversation about the value of U.S. trade agreements have put a spotlight on South Korea as a close U.S. ally and an important customer for U.S. products, including grains. South Korea is now the fifth largest market for U.S. agricultural exports, totaling $6.2 billion in purchases in 2016. The country was the …