Grain, Dairy Markets Worried About Trade War

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Analysts are saying that President Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports could be hard on farmers. Farm Journal’s Ag Web Dot Com points out that, while Trump hasn’t officially imposed the tariffs, the decision doesn’t have the support of his entire Cabinet and has raised eyebrows all over the world. Jeff Harrison of Combest, Sell, and …

NAFTA Round Seven Wrapped Up Monday and Facing More Questions

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The seventh round of talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) wrapped up Monday in Mexico City. The three countries have taken some incremental steps toward agreements on some of the lower-level issues. However, trade negotiators and almost anyone else interested in the NAFTA negotiations acknowledged that the looming threat of U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum …

USDA Announces More Local Control for School Meal Operations

Dan Education, Industry News Release

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Deputy Secretary Steve Censky announced two new efforts to provide states and school districts with additional flexibility and support to operate more efficient school meal programs. Censky made the announcement during a speech at the School Nutrition Association Legislative Action Conference in Washington, D.C. Child Nutrition Hiring Flexibility Rule In 2015, USDA established education and …

Paraguay Market Now Open To U.S. Pork

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

Under an export certificate recently negotiated between the two countries, the United States now can ship pork to Paraguay. The National Pork Producers Council welcomed the news. “Paraguay won’t be a huge market for U.S. pork, but given the current trade climate, the U.S. pork industry needs all the new markets it can get,” said NPPC President Jim Heimerl, a …

Georgia Cotton Commission Welcomes Cotton Ginning Cost Share

Dan Cotton, Georgia, Industry News Release

On March 3, at the Mid-South Farm and Gin Show in Memphis, Tennessee, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced a Cotton Ginning Cost Share (CGCS) program for the 2016 crop. This program provides assistance to American cotton producers who were left out of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) safety net programs during that crop year. The Georgia Cotton Commission welcomes this …

USDA Helps Cotton Producers Maintain, Expand Domestic Market

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release

It was officially announced this past weekend that cotton producers will get a little bit of financial help from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Gary Crawford has the story. Perdue Announces Renewal of Cotton Gin Cost Share Program-1 Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue was in Memphis Saturday explaining why the Cotton Ginning Cost Share (CGCS) announcement was delayed. Perdue Announces …

WTO Worried About Trade Wars Resulting from Trump Tariffs

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The head of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is concerned about President Donald Trump’s plans to impose a tariff on both steel and aluminum imports into America. Director General Roberto Azevedo says a trade war is in no one’s best interests. “The WTO is concerned about the U.S. plans for tariffs on steel and aluminum,” he says, “and the potential …

European Union Will Hit Back Against U.S. Tariffs

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The President of the European Commission says he’ll “bring forward in the next few days a proposal for WTO-compatible countermeasures against the U.S.” Politico says the move is intended to hit back against the steel and aluminum tariffs announced on Thursday by President Trump. The Commission says the 25 percent tariff on steel and 10 percent on aluminum will directly …

Senate Confirms Key USTR Nominees

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release, Trade

The National Cotton Council is pleased with the Senate’s confirmation of key officials in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). The Senate confirmed Gregg Doud as USTR Chief Agricultural Negotiator, Dennis Shea as Deputy USTR (Geneva) and C. J. Mahoney as Deputy USTR (Investment, Services, Labor, Environment, Africa, China, and the Western Hemisphere). Earlier this year, the NCC …

USTR Wants Renewal of Trade-Promotion Authority

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) says it plans to ask for a three-year extension of trade-promotion authority in order to negotiate new trade deals. Robert Lighthizer says those discussions could be with Japan, Vietnam, and other members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership if they’re interested. Politico quotes Lighthizer as saying, “The Trump administration will aggressively negotiate trade deals …