UF scientists act as plant detectives to identify disease

Dan Industry News Release, Vegetables

As a University of Florida plant pathologist, Gary Vallad likes to call himself and his colleagues “sleuths of the plant world.” These detectives find out what ails plants and crops, hopefully before the disease gets out of control. Most recently, scientists with the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences discovered some novel pathogens that may damage Florida tomatoes. Their …

Key for Agriculture Hangs in the Balance

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Tax Reform key for agriculture and other sectors, hangs in the balance this week as the Senate takes an expected razor-thin vote on a budget bill crucial to passing tax reform. The fate of tax reform, a top priority of the president and GOP, will likely be determined by this week’s Senate vote on a so-called ‘reconciliation’ budget. American Farm …

BASF to Acquire Bayer’s Crop Science Unit

Dan Industry News Release

BASF has signed an agreement to purchase Bayer’s Crop Science business for $7 billion. BASF is purchasing Bayer seeds for mainstay crops including cotton and soybean, plus the herbicide brand Liberty. The move by Bayer is part of its agreement to purchase Monsanto. The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals as well as the successful closing of Bayer’s acquisition of …

EPA Announced Dicamba Label Changes

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency Friday announced new restrictions for dicamba-based herbicides, classifying dicamba as a restricted-use product. The EPA said that only certified pesticide applicators, or people under their supervision, will be allowed to spray dicamba. The EPA also is reducing the maximum wind speed and the hours during each day when dicamba may be sprayed and will require farmers …

Business Leaders Push to Keep KORUS Intact

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Business leaders from the U.S. and Korea are pressing South Korea and the United States to “eliminate the uncertainty” around the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement, known as KORUS. The U.S.-Korea Business Council, along with the Korea-U.S. Business Council, issued a joint statement, calling KORUS “a platform to expand bilateral trade.” President Donald Trump has threatened to withdraw the U.S. from …

U.S., Japan, Planning Another Trade Meeting

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Vice President Mike Pence is meeting with Japan Monday in Washington. D.C. to talk trade. Politico reports that Pence and Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister will meet for the second round of the U.S.-Japan economic dialogue launched by the Trump administration in the wake of Trump’s decision to pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Japan is expected to propose to change …

Putnam Comments After USDA Issues Disaster Declaration for 19 Florida Counties

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Weather

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Agriculture issued a natural disaster declaration for 19 Florida counties due to agricultural damage caused by Hurricane Irma: “I thank U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue for taking action to support Florida’s farmers and ranchers still picking up the pieces from Hurricane Irma. Our …

Farmers Could Get Irma Related Tax Breaks

Dan Economy, Florida, Industry News Release, Weather

Farmers could receive tax breaks on equipment damaged by Hurricane Irma and on fuel, under a proposal by Rep. Matt Caldwell, a North Fort Myers Republican who is running for agriculture commissioner next year. With the agriculture industry facing $2.5 billion in projected losses from Irma, Caldwell rolled out the proposal this week to offer cuts in Florida’s tangible personal …

More Than Bluster to President Trump’s Threats to Pull Out of NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A former USDA trade chief argues there’s more than bluster to President Trump’s threats to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Paul Drazek was the trade adviser to USDA Secretary Dan Glickman in the Bill Clinton Administration. Drazek says he feels recent threats by President Trump to pull out of NAFTA, key for U.S. agriculture, are …