GCC Reminds Growers About Upcoming Field Days

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) reminds producers about multiple upcoming field days throughout Georgia. Taylor Sills, executive director of the Georgia Cotton Commission, said the field days, coordinated by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, will be held in August and September. “There’s going to be the annual Midville row-crop field day over at the experiment station in …

GCC Encourages Producers to Scout for Tarnished Plant Bugs

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission encourages producers to scout their fields for tarnished plant bugs and spray appropriately. What normally has not been a major cotton pest for Georgia growers is increasing in numbers this season, says University of Georgia Cooperative Extension cotton entomologist Phillip Roberts. “Historically, plant bugs have not been a major pest for us here …

GCC Encourages Producers to Join Cotton Trust Protocol

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) continues to encourage producers to join the Cotton Trust Protocol. It’s an initiative that helps promote the sustainability efforts of cotton producers across the country.   “The point of the program is to tell a story to the consumer. We’ve talked many times over the past 10 years how interested consumers are …

Georgia Cotton Commission Seeking Nominees for Cotton Board

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission is seeking nominees for vacant positions on the Cotton Board. Those interested should email the Commission’s office at info@georgiacotton.org. “Each state that produces cotton has a certain number of representatives to the Cotton Board, which administers the National Cotton Research & Promotion Program. We have one spot and one alternate position whose terms …

GCC Encourages Safety, Awareness on Roads

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

Cotton planting is in full swing across Georgia. The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) reminds drivers on the roads to proceed with caution as producers transport equipment from one field to another, says executive director Taylor Sills. “As everyone knows, this is planting time here in Georgia. We’re getting kind of close to the end of our planting window for cotton …

GCC Applauds Addition of New UGA Extension Cotton Agronomist

Clint Thompson Cotton, Georgia, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

Camp Hand is the new University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Cotton Agronomist. After an extended period without an agronomist in place at UGA, the Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) is excited for the newest member of the UGA Cotton Team, says GCC Executive Director Taylor Sills. “The University of Georgia has hired Dr. Camp Hand who is a recent Ph.D. graduate …

GCC Approves Research Funding

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) recently approved $745,094 in research for the 2022 crop year and an additional $42,050 for the 2021 crop year. “We had our board meeting on March 31 where we went through our research proposals. It’s about shy of a $50,000 increase for 2021 to 2022. We also put in some additional money for 2021,” says …

GCC: USDA Plantings Report Comparable to National Cotton Council’s Projections

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Prospective Plantings report estimates Georgia cotton acreage at around 1.2 million acres for the upcoming season. It would be comparable to what the National Cotton Council projected earlier this year, says Taylor Sills, executive director of the Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC). “Earlier this year, the National Cotton Council projected Georgia to plant around 1.1 million …

Cotton Trust Protocol: GCC Encourages Producer Participation

Clint Thompson Cotton, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) continues to encourage state producers to enroll in the Cotton Trust Protocol. The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol was established by growers through the National Cotton Council to promote sustainability efforts of the American cotton producer. Just recently, the National Cotton Council announced that U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol had passed a milestone of welcoming more than …