Biodiesel Stakeholders Unite Over RFS Concerns

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The National Biodiesel Board joined the American Soybean Association and the National Renderers Association in urging President Trump to keep his promises to rural voters. Kurt Kovarik, NBB vice president of federal affairs, says recent actions by the Environmental Protection Agency have undermined the president’s commitment to support consumer access to domestic renewable fuels, as well keeping the Renewable Fuels …

Exxon, Chevron Ask EPA for Biofuel Blending Exemptions

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Energy giants Chevron and Exxon have asked the Environmental Protection Agency for waivers from the nation’s biofuels program that have typically been reserved for small refiners in financial trouble. A Reuters report says that will only add fuel to the fire in the debate between the oil and ethanol industries over how the Trump Administration should handle the RFS. An …

Rabobank: Domestic Dairy Demand to Climb in 2018

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Domestic demand for dairy products like natural cheese and butter, along with premium dairy products, should rise in the second half of 2018. That prediction comes from Rabobank in its Dairy Quarterly 1 Report. “The stronger economic growth is projected to come mostly from the recent tax policy change, which translates to stronger dairy demand through increased food service and …

House Members from Across the Country Praise 2018 Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

The House Agriculture Committee introduced the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (H.R. 2). The bill helps address the economic challenges facing farmers and ranchers, while making historic investments in opportunities for SNAP recipients. Across the country, members continue offering their praise and support for the 2018 Farm Bill. Several of these members’ comments are included below: “Introduction of the …

Argentina Market Now Open To U.S. Pork

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

With strong support and input from the National Pork Producers Council, the United States and Argentina this week finalized an export certificate that allows the U.S. pork industry to ship product to the South American country. “Argentina has tremendous potential for U.S. pork exports,” said NPPC President Jim Heimerl, a pork producer from Johnstown, Ohio. “This is great news for …

Scientist Say U.S. Climate Boundary Shifting East

Dan Drought, Environment, Industry News Release

Scientist say a climate boundary separating the east and west United States discovered more than 100 years ago has shifted 140 miles east. In a report published by Columbia University, scientist say global warming has pushed the boundary east, and could have significant implications on farming in the region. Scientist say that due to global-scale wind patterns, to the west …

ASA President Testifies to Congress Regarding Trade Tariffs

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Trade

The American Soybean Association President says retaliation by China against U.S. tariffs would undercut prices received by soybean farmers, and further hurt a depressed farm economy. Testifying to lawmakers Thursday, ASA President John Heisdorffer asked members of Congress to help soybean farmers “be part of the solution,” rather than “collateral damage.” Heisdorffer, an Iowa farmer, highlighted the importance of maintaining …

Trump Announces E15 Waiver Support to Farm State Lawmakers

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Trump Administration is apparently planning to allow E15 sales year-round. During the White House agriculture roundtable Thursday, President Trump announced his support for E15 sales year-round without a cap on RIN prices, according to attendee, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley. Ethanol groups have argued that allowing year-round sales of 15 percent ethanol blended fuels would be a “win-win” for agriculture …