Peanut Product May Help with World Hunger

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

Today Tyron Spearman says there is hope that a peanut product may be able to help in the fight against world hunger. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Specifics on Departure of 555

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Cotton, Florida, Georgia

Monsanto has received final word from the EPA regarding the specifics of the phase out of Bollgard Cotton Seed. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Importance of Supporting Ag Sector

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Field Crops, General, Livestock, Peanuts

Alabama Ag Commissioner Ron Sparks says that all of agriculture continues to struggle due to the current economy and public policies. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Second Annual Cotton and Peanut Research Field Day

Randall Weiseman Cotton, General, Georgia

The second annual University of Georgia cotton and peanut research field day will be held next Wednesday, September 9, 2009. You can learn more on the Georgia Cotton Commission website Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Bad Year for White Mold in Peanuts

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

University of Florida peanut breeder Dr. Barry Tillman says while leaf spot disease in peanuts has not been as bad this year, white mold has and is something growers may still have to deal with. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Farmers Urged to Apply for Value-added Grants

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Cattle, Citrus, Cotton, Field Crops, Florida, Forestry, General, Georgia, Livestock, Nursery Crops, Peanuts, Specialty Crops

HURON, S.D., Sept. 3, 2009 – Agriculture Under Secretary for Rural Development Dallas Tonsager today urged farmers and business owners to apply for $18 million in grants to help them add value to the commodities they produce. “Last week, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA plans to award approximately $18 million in value-added grants nationwide,” Tonsager said. “We want …

Problem Weed Developing in NW Florida

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Cotton, Field Crops, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

Dr. Barry Brecke with the University of Florida’s West Florida Research and Education Center in Milton says the glyphosate-resistant weed known as palmer amaranth has made its way into Northwest Florida. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

WTO Reaches Decision in Brazil Case

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Cotton, Georgia

The World Trade Organization has announced a formal decision in the Brazil, United States cotton case. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024