Cotton Board at Sunbelt

Randall Weiseman Cotton

Sunbelt Ag Expo offers an opportunity each year for the Cotton Board to touch base with cotton producers in the southeast. Report (1:00 wma)

Cotton Stays in Style

Randall Weiseman Cotton

Fashion tends may come and go, but cotton is always in style. Report (1:00 wma)

October U.S. Cotton Crop Forecast Rises

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Crop Forecasts

The forecast for all U.S. cotton saw a slight rise in the October 1 report put out by USDA’s National Agriculture Statistics Service. And that same rise is also expected in the Southeast crop.  Report (1:00 wma) USDA NASS

Cotton Crop Forecast sees Slight Rise

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Crop Forecasts

USDA’s National Agriculture Statistics Service has released the October production numbers for the U.S. Cotton Crop, and according to Shiela Corley, they are predicting a slight rise from last month’s numbers.  Report (2:45 wma) USDA NASS

Cotton Inc Seminar Coming Up

Randall Weiseman Cotton

Cotton Incorporated’s 2006 Crop Management Seminar will be held October 31-November in Memphis, Tennessee. Registration information is available on the Cotton Inc website. Report (1:00 wma)

Biotech Cuts Spraying on Cotton

Randall Weiseman Cotton

An official with Cotton Incorporated says advancements in biotechnology crops over the past decade have dramatically cut the amount of pesticides used on cotton. Report (:45 wma)

Boll Weevil Eradication is About Complete

Randall Weiseman Cotton

The National Boll Weevil program is getting closer and closer to starting on post eradication, as it’s now right at 85% complete.  Report (1:15 wma) Â