Plants that Thrive in Your Garden, No Matter What

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Add a little flower power to your garden this year with some tough as nails hardy perennial bloomers.  Practically indestructible, daylilies will flower profusely in almost any sunny spot. They are drought and insect resistant and offer a wide range of colors and bi-colors. Epimediums, also called barrenwort, is one of the best shade perennials that provides a ground cover …

Pet Friendly Ways to Eliminate Weeds

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Weeds are inevitable in the yard and garden. Unfortunately, many of the chemicals marketed to combat them can be harmful to the health of your pets if they are not used carefully. Even so-called environmentally friendly or natural herbicides are capable of injury if used improperly. Before you waste time, effort, and money on products that don’t work or that …

Protect Your Garden from a Heatwave

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Summer heat is stressful for all plants from vegetable plants to your grass. During a heatwave there are a few problems that could happen in the garden. All of the moisture in the soil can evaporate, leading to plants wilting and, potentially, dying. The scorching sun can burn your plants, especially after you water and leave droplets behind. And, high …

Ways to Help Against the Battle of the Weeds in Your Garden

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

There are two types of weeds. The first type produces enormous quantities of seeds. These weeds are easy to pull or hoe, but new ones keep appearing. The second type is harder to kill, often because these weeds have persistent underground roots or other parts that can sprout into new plants. And then you have the mighty dandelion, which combines …

Heat-Tolerant Plants for Your Patio

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

If you don’t want the dog days of summer to turn your gorgeous container gardens into a crispy mess, try these plants that can take the heat all summer long.   For example, Angel’s trumpet.  The blooms release a pleasant fragrance after sunset. If you have pets or children, be sure to keep these plants out of reach—all parts are …

Quick and Easy Foods for Kids to Grow at Home

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Kids may not always like to eat their veggies, but it might be fun for them to grow their own.  Especially since they are around the home a lot more than usual these days. Gardening will certainly provide some excitement, as well as daily activities—observing, watering, harvesting—to keep them busy with something worthwhile. To help with making this venture successful, …

Foods That Will Happily Grow on a Balcony

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

If your living quarters don’t allow for a backyard garden but still provide a little space, such as a balcony, then you have the room to grow your own food. In fact, in just ten or twenty square feet, it’s possible to provide fresh food for the table on a daily basis. Part of the trick is picking the right …

How to Grow Oranges in Your Own Orchard

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Growing oranges can be a delicious investment to make for your property. Not only do they produce delicious fruits, but you can sell or preserve the oranges. These trees don’t tolerate any frost, unless you select a specific variety that is hardier in cold weather. Such as the Hamlin variety. Oranges, as well as most citrus trees, require warm, moist …

Best Plants for Rock Gardens

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

If you have a beautiful rock garden you need pretty plants to accent it. Some of the best plants are low maintenance perennials that don’t mind poor soil and drought, but will need some good drainage. Euphorbia is one that comes to mind.  This amazing family of succulents comes in a seemingly endless selection of shapes, sizes, and colors. Or, …