Agri View: Talk Continues on Effects of the Wall

Dan Agri View, Labor and Immigration, Trade

Everett Griner talks about how the wall will affect agriculture in today’s Agri View.       Well, talk continues about the wall. What is it going to cost? Estimates range from 8 billion to 25 billion dollars. Whatever the cost, constructing that wall is not the only thing that generates financial repercussions. Trade, especially farm trade. Sale of farm …

Agri View: Big Farm, Small Farm

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about the difference between a big farm, small farm, and a medium sized farm in America in today’s Agri View.     Big farm, small farm. What is the difference? Well if the gross annual income is 350 thousand dollars per year or less, that is a small farm. In 2015, 42 percent were small farms. Here …

Agri View: Food Cost Drops in 2016

Dan Agri View

    Everett Griner talks about food cost dropping in 2016 in today’s Agri View.       More than one agency keeps a tab on what we in America pay for food we consume. The Consumer Price Index is the most accepted source for yearly spending. For instance, we paid less for the foods consumed at home in 2016 …

Agri View: Food Challenge to Feed the World

Dan Agri View

  Everett Griner talks about feeding a growing world becoming a challenge in today’s Agri View.   Food security is defined as enough food to feed the world. It isn’t a problem today although millions are undernourished. They eat, but not enough. And, not the proper foods. In thirty-three years world population is forecast to reach nine and one-half billion …

Agri View: Food Labels Confuse People

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about food labels and why they are so confusing in today’s Agri View.       Consumers all over the world want to know what goes into the food they buy. Those same consumers are confused about some of the things they read. Over 80 percent of those surveyed thought organic meant no pesticides. Most said they …

Agri View: Pesticide Residue Free Food

Dan Agri View, Fruits

  Everett Griner talks about the pesticide residue on our food and what, if anything, is being done to cut down on it in today’s Agri View.   Who doesn’t like fresh strawberries? Here is something you will not like. If they are conventionally grown, you are getting a taste pesticide residue with every bite. Yes. U.S. agriculture uses almost …