USDA Launches Trade Mitigation Programs

Dan Cattle, Citrus, Economy, Exports/Imports, Field Crops, Industry News Release, Livestock, Trade

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue launched the trade mitigation package aimed at assisting farmers suffering from damage due to unjustified trade retaliation by foreign nations.  Producers of certain commodities can now sign up for the Market Facilitation Program (MFP), while USDA will also begin to purchase identified commodities under a food purchase and distribution program.  Additionally, USDA has begun …

ASTA Outlines Priorities for Final Farm Bill

Dan Exports/Imports, Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative, Research, Seeds, Trade

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) urges members of the Farm Bill Conference Committee to include several key provisions important to the seed industry within the final bill. In a recent letter to conferees, ASTA highlighted the following priorities within the Conservation, Trade, Research, Horticulture and Crop Insurance titles: Conservation: ASTA is concerned with the proposal in the House version …

Trump Threatens to Add $200 Billion in More Tariffs

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Bloomberg says President Trump wants to proceed with another $200 billion in tariffs on Chinese imports as soon as the public comment period wraps up next week. Six people familiar with the matter spoke anonymously with Bloomberg for the article. Companies and people have until Sept. 6 to submit comments on duties that will cover everything from semiconductors to selfie …

Agriculture Trade Surplus to Shrink

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Agriculture is consistently one of the few areas of the American economy that sells more overseas than it buys. However, Farm Journal’s Ag Web Dot Com says that’s going to drop in the upcoming year. The surplus is set to shrink as shipments to China collapse because of the trade war with the U.S. A government forecast says the world’s …

Agri View: Agriculture Feeling the Pain

Dan Agri View, Exports/Imports, Pork, Trade

Everett Griner talks about agriculture feeling the pain from the trade war in today’s Agri View. Agriculture Feeling the Pain The trade war situation keeps heating up. It isn’t just China. Mexico and Canada are becoming involved. It’s not just agriculture. But so far, agriculture seems to be in the most danger. Mexico imports more U.S. pork than China. Listen …

USDA Announces No Actions Under Feedstock Flexibility Program

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Sugar

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) announced that it does not expect to purchase and sell sugar under the Feedstock Flexibility Program for crop year 2018 (fiscal year 2019). The CCC is required by law to quarterly announce estimates of sugar to be purchased and sold under the Feedstock Flexibility Program based on crop and consumption …

Beef and Pork Export Values Expected to Soften in 2019

Dan Beef, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork, Poultry

The tit-for-tat trade war with China means a lower forecast for the value of U.S. beef and pork exports next year. The Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service said in its latest quarterly Situation and Outlook Report released this week that forecasts total exports of beef, pork, dairy, poultry and other livestock products combined are expected to decline $300 million …

USDA Trade Mitigation Plan Includes More Commodity Purchases

Dan Exports/Imports, Trade

Most of the money allocated to the new USDA program to help farmers hurt by tariffs will go towards direct payments. But according to a story from Gary Crawford, there is a considerable amount of money that will be used for purchases of food products for feeding programs. USDA Trade Mitigation Plan Includes More Commodity Purchases-1 Greg Ibach, Undersecretary of …

NCC on Support for Cotton Growers

Dan Cotton, Exports/Imports, Trade

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced details for their tariff mitigation plan to help farmers and ranchers in response to the retaliatory tariffs other countries have put in place against U.S. agricultural exports. Reece Langley, Vice President of Washington Operations for the National Cotton Council (NCC), has more information on how the program will work for U.S. cotton growers. …