Current Farm Downturn Not Likely to Reach 1980’s Crisis

Dan Economy

A report by a Farm Credit Administration economist told the Administration’s board members last week that the current downturn in the farm economy is not likely to reach a 1980s-style crisis. Farm Credit chief economist Stephen Gabriel said the “likelihood of this is very low,” adding that a confluence of adverse factors led to the crisis that occurred in the …

Agri View: Growing Population Challenges

Dan Agri View, Economy

Everett Griner talks about farmers not concerned about challenges ahead with the growing population in today’s Agri View.     Feeding the world population of 9 billion people is still a challenge to agriculture. The farmers who grow the crops don’t seem to be worried. Looking at their efforts in the last half century one can understand why. You see, …

House Subcommittee Limits USDA Cuts to 5 Percent

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee advanced the fiscal year 2018 spending bill for discretionary programs at USDA and other agencies at just over $20 billion. That’s a $1.1 billion cut from last year’s funding bill and 5.2 percent less than current funding levels. If those numbers hold, USDA would get roughly $876 million less in funding levels compared to the …

Secretary Perdue Hosts Inaugural Rural Prosperity Task Force Meeting

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Task Force showcases broad interagency support for promoting economic growth and spurring innovation in rural America U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue hosted the inaugural meeting of the Interagency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity. Joined by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, Director of the White House Office of Management and …

Rancher Discusses Death Tax

Dan Cattle, Economy

One of the top issues being discussed in our nation’s capital right now is tax reform, and that, of course, includes the estate tax, or death tax, as many know it. It is something the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, among other groups in agriculture, would like to see repealed. Ed Frank talks with NCBA President-elect and fifth-generation California rancher Kevin …

Ag Trade Programs Affected by Proposed Budget Cuts

Dan Economy, Legislative

Many agricultural groups recently responded to the White House’s proposed fiscal year 2018 budget, which slashed a variety of programs that many in agriculture depend on. And Steve Mercer, vice president of communications for U.S. Wheat Associates, explains what two of those programs are. Congress has the proposed USDA budget for next fiscal year, and thus he encourages producers to …

Secretary Perdue to Testify Before Senate Ag Appropriations Subcommittee

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Trade

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue will give testimony to the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Tuesday. The subcommittee will hold a hearing on President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for the fiscal year 2018. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, Michel Young, the Department of Agriculture budget officer who is also acting deputy secretary, and Robert Johansson, USDA’s chief economist, are scheduled to testify, according …

Pace of Young, Beginning and Small Farmer Loans Slowing

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

In 2016, the pace of new lending to Young, Beginning and Small Farmers, or YBS loans, remained relatively flat, according to a new report by the Farm Credit Administration. Regarding dollar volume, the pace of these loans slightly exceeded the pace of overall farm lending by Farm Credit System institutions. In terms of loan numbers, the pace of YBS lending …

Scott Gets Dike Money in Economic Development Bill

Dan Economy, Florida, Industry News Release

Jim Turner News Service of Florida Visit Florida will get a boost in marketing dollars from the amount lawmakers approved last month. Gov. Rick Scott will get $85 million to distribute — through a new fund — to help regional infrastructure projects aimed at economic-development. And as part of a bill approved Friday at the end of the three-day special …

Monthly Farm Economy Survey Holds Steady

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

A monthly survey on farmers thoughts regarding the farm economy held steady last month. The latest reading of the Purdue/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer, which is based on a monthly survey of 400 agricultural producers from across the country, was 130. The producer sentiment index has hovered near 130 for five of the last six months and remains considerably stronger …