Ongoing Mktg Effort the Key to Growing Demand

Dan Citrus

Some have asked why box taxes and marketing investments could not be reduced while grower returns are high, and then increased again later on when supplies rebound, but as explained in this report, successful marketing strategies are just not that simple.  Report (2:00 wma)

Logic of Box Tax Increases & Targeted Mktg Push

Dan Citrus

Even though box tax decisions have been made for the coming season, Florida growers still should be interested in the logic behind these decisions that were made by Citrus Commissioners recently.  Gary Cooper reports in this Citrus Department weekly feature.  Report (2:00 wma)

AL State Rejects Florida Citrus Ban

Dan Citrus

Florida citrus is still welcome in Alabama, despite a federal canker quarantine that bans shipments to all citrus producing states, including Alabama.  Report (1:00 wma)