Former Cit Commish Chrmn Comments on Higher Box Taxes

Dan Citrus

Former FL Citrus Commission Chairman Andy Taylor says he understands grower concerns about higher box taxes, but adds the taxes and marketing efforts are critical to support demand and higher grower returns.  Report (2:00 wma)

Controlling Citrus Psyllid – Expert Advice from UF/IFAS

Dan Citrus

As part of a DuPont Crop Protection sponsored series “Ask the Citrus Expert”, Dr Michael Rogers of UF/IFAS discusses advice on controlling the citrus psyllid pest as a means of controlling the spread of Citrus Greening disease.  Report (2:00 .wma)

Argentinean Growers Want to Ship Lemons into U S

Dan Citrus

Argentinean citrus growers also deal with citrus canker, and they say now that Florida is allowed to ship fresh fruit to non-citrus producing U. S. states, they too should again be allowed to ship lemons into the U S from Argentina.  Report (2:00 .wma)