Exports are Critically Important to the Pork Industry

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

exports porkExports are critically important to the swine industry. With large hog supplies, National Pork Board CEO Bill Even believes the significance of foreign demand will only grow.



U.S. pork is known for its quality. Even as part of a National Pork Board trade mission to Japan and China. These markets are very different. The Japanese market is a solid, dependable market. China is still a price sensitive market but also offers vast potential for U.S. pork. The U.S. faces stiff competition in these markets. For example, Even says the European Union and Canada are making inroads in Japan.

The market intelligence gathered on the trade trip to Southeast Asia was valuable. With the competition worldwide, Even says the Pork Checkoff must increase its focus on exports.

For more information, producers can contact the Pork Checkoff Service Center. Go to Pork-dot org or call 800-456-PORK (7675).

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.