Funding Available Through FL Cogongrass Treatment Cost-Share Program

Randall Weiseman Florida, Forestry, General, Livestock

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Florida Forest Service has announced that the Cogongrass Treatment Cost-Share Program will accept grant applications through Tuesday, August 28. The program, supported through a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, offers assistance to non-industrial private landowners who conduct herbicide treatments to control Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica), a non-native grass that is regulated as a state and federal noxious weed.

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“Cogongrass infestations increase the risk and severity of wildfires, degrade the quality of forests and rangelands, and out-compete native vegetation,” said Commissioner Adam Putnam. “Cogongrass is considered one of the worst weeds in the world, and an aggressive treatment approach is necessary to control it.”

The program is available in all 67 Florida counties. It offers reimbursement of 75 percent of the cost to treat Cogongrass infestations with herbicide for two consecutive years with a maximum of $100 per acre per year. Qualified landowners may apply to treat up to 100 acres of infested area. All qualifying applications received during the submission period will be evaluated and ranked for approval.

To obtain an application and more information on program requirements and procedures, visit a local Florida Forest Service office or

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