ROI of The Beef Checkoff Dollar

Will Jordan Beef, Beef, Cattle, Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB), Industry, Livestock, Livestock News

Anyone that invests knows the importance of ROI or Return on Investment. Using one dollar invested per head sold, the Beef Checkoff drives demand for beef – with a substantial ROI. In the third part of the conversation with Greg Hanes, Cattlemen’s Beef Board CEO, he shares how checkoff dollars expand the market and drive demand for beef.

Resourceful: Stretching The Beef Checkoff Dollar

Will Jordan Beef, Beef, Cattle, Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB), Industry, Livestock, Livestock News

We all know that a dollar bill today does not have the same buying power a dollar bill had in 1985; yet the Beef Checkoff Program still just collects one dollar per head when cattle are sold. In the second part of a conversation with Cattlemen’s Beef Board CEO, Greg Hanes, learn how the checkoff stretches that dollar for the …

Driving Demand for Beef During Tight Supplies

Will Jordan Beef, Beef, Cattle, Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB), Industry, Livestock, Livestock News

As U.S. beef supplies continue to tighten, discovery of new cut options by consumers is vital. I visited with Cattlemen’s Beef Board CEO, Greg Hanes, to discuss how the Beef Checkoff is driving the demand for beef during tight supplies.

meat production

Underutilized Cuts Finding Opportunities During Tight Beef Supply

Will Jordan Beef, Beef, Cattle, Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB), Industry, Livestock, Livestock News

Difficulty provides an opportunity for growth. The U.S. beef industry is re-learning this lesson as the cow herd continues to contract as demand for beef continues to grow domestically and abroad. U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), USDA and the Beef Checkoff are collaborating to promote cuts often overlooked. USMEF President and CEO, Dan Halstrom, shares more on growing opportunities for …

“Eye Opening”: FBC Holds Ranch to Ribeye Event

Will Jordan Beef, Beef, Cattle, Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB), Florida Beef Council (FBC), Florida Beef Council (FBC), General, Industry, Livestock, Livestock News

The Florida Beef Council recently held a “Ranch to Ribeye” event to connect cattlemen with members of the food service industry. Designed to tell the story of beef from pasture to plate, the event helped close the information gap between producers and consumers. Listen below as one event attendee, Chef Alex Kuk of Temple Street Eatery in Ft. Lauderdale, shares …


Beef and Pork Exports Bring Nice Returns to Corn and Soybean Producers

Dan Beef, Cattle, Corn, Exports/Imports, Livestock, Pork, Soybeans, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF)

New information released by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) shows beef and pork exports last year at $18.1 billion had a significant impact on the corn and soybean industries. The numbers, from an independent study conducted by The Juday Group, notes U.S. pork and beef exports contributed an estimated total economic impact of 14.6% per bushel to the value of corn …