Nematode Control Increases Cotton Yield Potential

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release, News from Our Sponsors


For cotton growers battling nematodes, University trials across the South continue to show an increase in yield and profit with an at-plant nematicide application. And according to Bayer Senior Technical Service Representative, Keith Rucker, cotton fields treated with Velum® Total have an advantage.

Nematode Control Increases Cotton Yield Potential

At-plant nematode control increases cotton yield potential

Velum® Total nematicide protects root system to boost potential yields

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University trials across the South show that cotton growers who are battling nematodes can increase their yield and profit with an at-plant nematicide application.

Cotton growers know getting a strong stand provides the best start to a season. However, nematode pressure can threaten the start cotton seedlings need. Managing nematodes at-plant provides the support seedlings require to set a successful crop of cotton.

Cotton fields treated with Velum® Total nematicide are at an advantage. The at-plant application reduces the nematode population density, protects the root system and increases the opportunity to develop a larger root mass, spurring strong early-season growth.

“If we can protect the root system early in the season, the plant has a really good shot at being able to fend off nematode attacks later in the season,” said Keith Rucker, Bayer senior technical service representative. “When nematodes attack the plant from day one,  they can stunt  the root  system  and  the plant is never able  to really overcome it. With Velum Total, it’s all about getting the plant off to a good start.”

“If Velum Total is used in a field with a nematode problem, we can expect less damage to the plant,” said University of Georgia Extension Plant Pathologist Bob Kemerait. “We can also expect better growth and better yields.”

Trials across the South show consistent yield advantage when Velum Total is applied at-plant. In trials at Auburn University in 2016, Velum Total, on average, increased yield by 1,355  lb/A  of  seed  cotton  in reniform nematode-infested fields. In fields with root-knot nematode, Velum Total provided an average yield bump of 127 lb/A of seed cotton. Trials at the University of Georgia showed similar results with fields treated with Velum Total yielding higher than fields only planted with a base seed treatment.

Velum Total can also increase the opportunity for profit. In fact, Mississippi State University field trials demonstrated an average increase in profits of $435 per acre when Velum Total was used in the non-delta region of Mississippi.

In addition to nematodes, Velum Total controls other early-season pests, such as thrips, and helps suppress diseases, such as Fusarium wilt. This activity can reduce the need for foliar sprays, saving growers time and money.

Velum Total provides tough at-plant nematode control during the most critical part of a cotton plant’s life— the First 40 Days. When applied in-furrow, Velum Total is effective at reducing the nematode population density. This helps protect and establish the root system, which is essential to supplying nutrients and water to the plant. Velum Total can be applied at site-specific rates depending on the nematode pressure.

“Velum Total brings us an excitement in the sense it’s a newer product, newer mode of action,” Kemerait said. “It gives us the opportunity to use that as a tool in our fight against nematodes.”

For more information, talk to your local Bayer representative or retailer.

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Source: Bayer