Vegetable Gardens Issue Pops Up in House

Dan Industry News Release, Vegetables

An effort to keep local governments out of homeowners’ vegetable gardens has returned to the House. Rep. Elizabeth Fetterhoff, R-DeLand, filed a measure (HB 145) Wednesday intended to prevent local governments from regulating homeowners’ vegetable gardens. The measure mirrors a bill (SB 82) by Sen. Rob Bradley, R-Fleming Island, that is scheduled to be heard Tuesday in the Senate Community …

Dealing with Compacted Soil

Dan Soil, This Land of Ours

Compacted soil is something every gardener deals with at the beginning of most garden seasons. Cathy Isom has some ways to deal with compacted soil in your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Dealing with Compacted Soil When faced with less than favorable gardening conditions such as compacted soil, and turning the soil with a shovel or …