UF Hosts Meeting of Blue-Green Algae Task Force

Dan Environment, Florida, Industry News Release, Water

GAINESVILLE, FL (UF/IFAS) — The University of Florida will host the next meeting of Florida’s Blue-Green Algae Task Force on August 30 at 9 a.m. at the UF Levin College of Law. The meeting is open to the public and will be streamed live on the Florida Channel. Two UF/IFAS researchers are members of the six-person task force. Tom Frazer, …

UF/IFAS Researchers Close in on a Tastier Tomato

Dan Field Crops, Florida, Industry News Release, Vegetables

GAINESVILLE, FL (UF/IFAS) — In their quest for a tastier tomato, University of Florida scientists are finding traits they believe will tempt consumers with flavor that triggers their senses even more. They’re making significant progress on improving the UF-developed Tasti-Lee™ tomato – and it will feature improved flavor and aroma. “Modern tomato cultivars typically have poor flavor as compared to …

UF/IFAS Researcher Aims to Improve Bacteria Treatments for Cows, Humans

Dan Cattle, Dairy, Florida, Industry News Release, Research

GAINESVILLE, FL (UF/IFAS) — University of Florida scientists believe they can develop new antimicrobials that will benefit dairy cattle and, eventually, humans by treating bacteria that normally resist antibiotics. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria take a serious toll on cattle and humans. On the human side, at least 2 million people contract an antibiotic-resistant infection each year in the United States, and at …

UF Student Wins Scholarship to Find Solutions to Seagrass Loss

Dan Aquaculture, Education, Florida, Industry News Release, Research

GAINESVILLE, FL (UF/IFAS) — Right now, in a University of Florida marine science lab in Cedar Key, Florida, about 40 sea urchins are chowing down on their food of choice — seagrass. Jamila Roth, an interdisciplinary ecology student in the UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, is watching them closely. Roth wants to know how the urchins’ eating behavior …

Final Day for Citrus and VSC Expo

Dan Citrus, Florida

All citrus and vegetable & specialty crop growers are being reminded today, August 15th, is the final day for the 2019 Citrus Expo and Vegetable & Specialty Crop Expo. This year’s event, taking place at the Lee Civic Center in North Fort Myers, Florida, has already seen a large crowd of attendees. Southeast AgNet’s Abbey Taylor is there and has this report. …

UF/IFAS Plant Geneticist Named Fellow of American Society for Horticultural Science

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Nursery Crops, Pollinators, Research

BALM, Fla. (UF/IFAS) — If you savor the sights of caladium, gerbera and other ornamental plants, you can thank Zhanao Deng for developing better varieties. In his three-decade career, Deng beams with pride over new types of caladium and gerbera he’s bred that are more resistant to diseases. He’s also happy with his lantana varieties, which are genetically sterilized and …

Forum Addresses Climate Change and Agriculture

Dan Education, Environment, Florida, Weather

By Ernie Neff Florida ag producers, scientists, Congresswoman Kathy Castor and others discussed agriculture in the face of climate change in a forum held Monday in Gainesville. The forum was Agriculture and Forestry in a Changing Climate: What the Future Holds for Florida. Jack Payne, senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources at the University of Florida Institute of …

Producers Invited to Florida Dairy Production Conference

Dan Dairy, Education, Florida

Producers are invited to attend the 2019 Florida Dairy Production Conference Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at the Straughn IFAS Extension Center (UF Campus), in Gainesville. The Conference Program starts at 9:00 AM with various topics scheduled to be discussed. They include, dairy calf and heifer management, selecting replacement heifers, critical aspects for improving reproductive success, nutritional manipulations to improve health …

Agriculture and Forestry in a Changing Climate: What the Future Holds for Florida

Dan Education, Environment, Forestry, Industry News Release

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (UF/IFAS) — A forum that will highlight climate challenges to Florida’s farms, ranches, and forests and steps that the state’s producers are taking in response is set for Monday, Aug. 12, at the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center in Gainesville. Agriculture and Forestry in a Changing Climate: What the Future Holds for Florida is also expected to …

2019 Extension Farm Field Day

Dan Education, Florida

The 2019 Extension Farm Field Day will be held August 22 at the University of Florida, West Florida Research & Education Center Jay Research Facility in Jay, FL. Click here for more information and registration. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024