Legislation Introduced to Provide Pricing Leverage for Cattle Producers

Dan Cattle, Economy, Marketing

Wednesday, Ranking Member of the Livestock & Foreign Agriculture Subcommittee Dusty Johnson (R-S.D) and Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) introduced the bipartisan Cattle Contract Library Act of 2021 (H.R. 5609), which would create a library for cattle contracts within the USDA’s Agriculture Marketing Service. Currently, USDA maintains a pork contract library, and following significant volatility in the cattle market and the release of the …

USMCA: No Pathway Forward for Beef Labeling

Dan Beef, Industry News Release

The U.S. Cattlemen’s Association expressed disappoint a new trade deal between the U.S., Mexico and Canada does not include a viable pathway forward for country-of-origin labeling on U.S. beef products. The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement, or USMCA, will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement. U.S. Cattlemen’s Association President Kenny Graner says the organization is “disappointed that the Administration turned …

U.S. Cattlemen’s Association Wants Beef Defined

Dan Beef, Industry News Release

The United States Cattlemen’s Association wants the Department of Agriculture to clarify the definition of beef. USCA late last week submitted a petition to USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service asking the agency for rulemaking on beef labeling to clarify for consumers what is beef derived from cattle and “beef” products created in a laboratory. USCA Presidet Kenny Graner says: …

Two Groups Urge USDA to Finalize Farmer Fair Practices Rule

Dan Industry News Release

Two farm groups are urging the Department of Agriculture to finalize the Farmer Fair Practices rule under the Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration. The U.S. Cattlemen’s Association and the National Farmers Union say the rule will go into effect in less than three weeks, barring any setbacks from USDA. The two groups say the rule would protect family farmers …

Cattle Groups Applaud Proposed Delay of Electronic Logging Requirements for Trucking

Dan Industry News Release

Cattle groups, including the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, applauded the proposed delay of electronic logging requirements for livestock haulers. Language in a U.S. House bill would delay the requirements mandating the use of electronic logging devices in livestock hauling trucks for one year. USCA’s Transportation Committee Chairman Steve Hilker says the bill allows time for …