NCBA Pleased with Restoration of U.S. Beef Access to China

Dan Beef, Trade

It was announced late Thursday by the Trump Administration that one of the 10 initial actions of the U.S.-China Economic Cooperation 100-Day Plan includes restoration of U.S. beef access to China. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Director of International Trade, Kent Bacus, discusses what this means for U.S. cattle producers. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundJuly 15, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly …

China to Resume U.S. Beef Imports

Dan Beef, News from Our Sponsors, Trade

The White House announced Thursday that it has reached an agreement with China that will restore U.S. beef access to that country. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President Craig Uden issued the following statement: “After being locked out of the world’s largest market for 13 years, we strongly welcome the announcement that an agreement has been made to restore U.S. beef exports …

New Zealand Continues TPP Push Without U.S.

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

New Zealand continues its push for the Trans-Pacific Partnership without the United States. New Zealand this week completed its ratification process, approving of the final agreement. Although, the future is uncertain for the trade deal given President Donald Trump removed the U.S. from the agreement earlier this year. Despite that, A New Zealand trade official says ratifying TPP “sends a …

U.S. Views NAFTA Less Favorable than Canada, Mexico

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A new poll released by the Pew Research Center says American’s view of the North American Free Trade Agreement is more negative than other NAFTA partner countries. The research shows that about half of U.S. citizens say the trade agreement is good for the U.S., while 76 percent of Canadians say the agreement is good for Canada. Meanwhile, 60 percent …

Ag Export Groups Support CREAATE Act

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Members of the Coalition to Promote U.S. Agricultural Exports and the Agribusiness Coalition for Foreign Market Development welcomed introduction of House Resolution 2321 last week, the Cultivating Revitalization by Expanding American Agricultural Trade and Exports Act. The Act was introduced by Washington-State Republican Representative Dan Newhouse and Maine Democratic Representative Chellie (Shell-lee) Pingree. The coalitions say the CREAATE Act captures …

Canada, Mexico, Eyeing Trade Markets Beyond U.S.

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Mexico and Canada both are eyeing new trade partners as trade rhetoric and threats from the U.S. are growing trade-related concerns between the three countries. The North American Free Trade Agreement members, Canada and Mexico, are considering non-U.S. markets, including China, to grow their economies in the future. The moves come as President Donald Trump promises a renegotiation of NAFTA, …

Free Trade, Relationships Key To Market Competitiveness In South Korea

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Recent events in foreign policy and the ongoing conversation about the value of U.S. trade agreements have put a spotlight on South Korea as a close U.S. ally and an important customer for U.S. products, including grains. South Korea is now the fifth largest market for U.S. agricultural exports, totaling $6.2 billion in purchases in 2016. The country was the …

NMPF, USDEC Organize Dairy Fly-In on Capitol Hill to Build Support for Trade with Canada, Mexico

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

U.S. dairy leaders from across the country visited Washington, D.C., this week to urge Congress and Trump Administration officials to hold Canada accountable for its trade violations and hasten the repeal of Canada’s controversial new dairy pricing system. During a fly-in rally organized Tuesday and Wednesday by the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) and the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC), …

Commerce Department to End Mexican Sugar Dumping

Dan Industry News Release, Sugar

The U.S. Department of Commerce announced it intends to end the antidumping and countervailing duty suspension agreements in place with Mexico over what it calls that country’s unfair trading practices. The department will impose duties on Mexican sugar imports beginning on June 5, unless the two countries can come to an agreement. Phillip Hayes, a spokesman for the American Sugar …