Heitkamp: Trade War Strikes at Rural Economies

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp says if President Trump follows through with tariffs on China announced this week China’s retaliation would be “both strong in quantity and gravity.” The comments come as China indicated it would impose retaliatory trade barriers that are against U.S. goods if the administration follows through with the threat, causing soybean prices to plummet to a …

Trade War Costly for U.S. Farmers

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The trade war between the U.S. and China is proving to be costly to U.S. farmers, just as President Trump announced the intent for further tariffs, escalating the tense state of affairs. University of Illinois agriculture economist Scott Irwin this week on Twitter says the outlook has “moved into disaster territory,” specifically, regarding soybeans. Jim Bower of Bower Trading in …

U.S.-China Trade War a Win For Other Nations?

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A Politico report says the real winners of a trade war with China could be some of America’s top global trade competitors. As the two countries push toward a trade deal, long-term trends could be stacked against American producers when it comes to Beijing’s consumption. China will likely keep pouring resources into other countries in an attempt to diversify its …

Cargill Still Concerned About Likelihood of Trade War

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Cargill remains concerned that the U.S. and China trade discussions will escalate into a trade war. In Comments sent to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Cargill officials say the tariffs proposal by the U.S. targeting China will “not effectively advance the goal of addressing distortive trade practices,” according to Reuters. Cargill sent a five-page letter to Lighthizer as the USTR …

Proposed Tariff Hearings Underway in Washington

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Hearings are underway in Washington, D.C. on a proposed list of Chinese products the U.S. has targeted with 25 percent tariff. The three-day event features testimony from more than 100 witnesses. One of those testifying is farmer Michelle Erickson-Jones, a member of Farmers for Free Trade, who says the U.S. farm community is already feeling the effects of the threatened …

Agri View: Trade War

Dan Agri View, Trade

Everett Griner talks about the effects of a trade war in today’s Agri View. Everett discusses how all United States industries will be affected by this. Trade War Now suppose China does strike back by placing embargoes on U.S. goods. Here is what that means. Let’s take pork. China has already listed pork imports as one of the products. The …

Farmers Have Other Concerns Than Farm Bill

Dan Economy, Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Trade

Farmers are more concerned with trade and being burdened with over-regulation, rather than the farm bill, according to one U.S. Senator. Republican Roy Blunt of Missouri said during a Senate hearing last week that “the farm bill never came up” during a recent listening session with farmers in his state, as pointed out by the Food and Environment Reporting Network. …

China Files WTO Complaint, Pledges to Lower Some Tariffs

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

China has filed a dispute with the World Trade Organization alleging the U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum violate world trade rules. However, the nation also re-confirmed it will open its economy by lowering tariffs on cars, paving the way for negotiations. “Actions speak louder than words” when it comes to China, one U.S. economist told Reuters. But, China’s President …