Efforts to Move Northey Block Continues

Dan Industry News Release

Iowa Republicans took a strike at Senator Ted Cruz of Texas this week, saying his hold on the nomination of Iowa’s Bill Northey to the Department of Agriculture will harm his political standing. As Cruz continued his attack of the Renewable Fuel Standard Wednesday, speaking at Philadelphia Energy Solution’s so-called anti-ethanol rally, the Iowa Republican Party warned Cruz that continuing …

Cruz Hold on Northey Continues

Dan Industry News Release

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley this week attempted to move forward the nomination of Bill Northey to a top Department of Agriculture post, but was again blocked by Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Grassley sought unanimous consent from his Senate colleagues on the chamber floor Wednesday. However, Cruz objected, further delaying Northey’s confirmation. Cruz has blocked the vote to confirm Northey as …

Cruz Proposal Could Harm Renewable Fuels

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Texas Senator Ted Cruz made a recent proposal to cap the cost of Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) as a way to control the cost for refiners that blend renewable fuels into the nation’s gasoline supply. A DTN report says capping the cost of RINs at ten cents each would basically all but eliminate the Renewable Fuels Standard mandate for biodiesel …

Trump to Meet with Cruz, Oil Industry, Regarding RFS

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Senator Ted Cruz will get his meeting with President Donald Trump regarding biofuels. Reuters reports that Trump has agreed to meet with Cruz and representatives from the oil refining industry to discuss the Renewable Fuel Standard. The White House says the discussion could set the stage for negotiations over possible legislation to overhaul the RFS. Cruz has blocked the confirmation …

Biodiesel Board Responds to RFS RIN Concerns

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

A letter from the National Biodiesel Board to the Trump Administration seeks to clarify issues refineries are wanted addressed. Texas Senator Ted Cruz is holding the nomination of Iowa Agriculture Secretary Bill Northey to the Department of Agriculture, asking for a meeting to discuss renewable identification number credits, or RINs. Cruz says refiners call the RINs expensive, “costing thousands of …

Senator Cruz Writes Iowa Governor Over RFS Dispute, Northey Hold

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Before Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds traveled to Texas to lobby for the removal of a hold on Bill Northey’s Department of Agriculture nomination, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz pressured Reynolds to reach a deal on the Renewable Fuel Standard. Cruz has placed a hold on Northey’s nomination to USDA, who is currently serving as Iowa’s Agriculture Secretary. In a letter …

Cruz Outlines Hold on Northey Nomination, Wants RFS Meeting

Dan Industry News Release, Legislative

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz wants the Trump administration to organize a meeting on the Renewable Fuel Standard and is holding up the Bill Northey nomination until the meeting is planned. Cruz has placed a hold on Northey’s nomination as the Department of Agriculture undersecretary for farm production and conservation. Eight other Senators are also seeking a compromise on the …